Friday, April 24, 2009


ok, so i have come to the conclusion that i need another bedroom, i am just not sure how to go around getting another bedroom. i currently live in a three bedroom house. theres is a nice sized family room that we use as a guest room when we have company. anyways, my mom has one bedroom, my son has the second, and my husband and me have the third. the baby in the begining is going to be sleeping in the same room as my husband and me, not such a big deal you would think, he's small so he can't take up that much room. right.....WRONG....currently, my bedroom has 4 book cases, a dresser w/ tv on top, and a large jewelry box. the closet is packed, and we still tend to lose things that we need because at one point or another they were removed to the shed for more room. i should also mention that we have the smallest bedroom in the house. which we didn't mind until the whole sharing with baby thing came up. now i am trying to figure out how we are going to fit the baby in here, it just doesn't seem like something that is going to happen easily, if at all. now i have thought about switching over into the family room, its a very large room, it was once upon a time the garage, and you would think that this wouldn't be a huge problem, but i can't convince my mom. it is her house after all, but we could move the entertainment section into the living room, and then turn what is now our room into the guest room/office, it really wouldn't be to big a deal, but for her it is. so i am stuck trying to figure out how my house is supposed to grow another bedroom. preferrably, a nice inexpensive bedroom, because i am quite broke atm. if anyone thinks they can help with this adventure please let me know. i would greatly appreciate it. if not, and you actually made it all the way through this post, then thankies much for reading, and i am sorry that i seem to have a lot to vent about at the moment.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Busy Busy

this weekend i got so much done that i've been wanting to do. i'm so happy. the bedroom, which sadly had no floor space for walking is done. i can walk around the bed now, and miracously i have a floor. yay!!! for people who have known me for along time, you know how much of a slob i can be. its not that i like the mess, its just that it has to be perfect, and if i don't have the time for perfection then i give no time what so ever, and everything falls apart around me. i know this is not the best way to do things, but it is the only way for me. stupid ocd. but at this moment it is done, so i am extremely happy, there is a small stack of things that have to go into the shed, but since i can't lift, i have to wait for the hubby to do it, and he works 40+ hours a week, so i have decided to be patient. tomorrow on his day off he can move it. i hope he does at least, the pile is getting on my nerves.

my sister borrowed some of my manga for a few weeks about 2 months ago, i keepasking for her to bring them back, and she keeps ignoring me. see if i let her borrow anything any time in the near future again. my bookcase looks really not perfect because of it. the manga shelve is bricked, the way its stacked is really cool looking, but without all of the volumes it looks very incomplete, and now that the room is clean and wonderful, i want the shelve to be as perfect as it was when everything else was a mess. i know, theres that perfection again.

so i am starting to stress a bit about the new baby, we are only making about 1/4 what we were a year ago, stupid economy. and that is barely enough to pay our bills. i love my mom, but i would rather not live here forever, and we are all trying to figure out where this baby is going to go. we live in a three bedroom house, and all three bedrooms are full, to the brim. we have a family/guest room, but there is so much in there that if we moved into it, i'm not sure where we would put all of the stuff that is in it. it is very annoying how everything sorta catches in on itself at the same moment. i was planning on buying a basonet for the first few months, but now i am not sure whether i will have to money to do that or not. my husband has access to a va laon, but with the job he is working now, i don't think that he would qualify for it. and we would have to use at least part of it to pay off what bills we already have, and i think they can only be used for buying a house or starting a business. stupid rules right. we considered using it to put a second story on the house, but if something happened and we had to move, i can't garuntee that we would still be able to pay for it, so we decided that we can't do that.

as for school, well i have 3 papers and 3 presentations due over the next 4 weeks, and i have not done any part of any of it. so most likely tomorrow will do the presentation for wendsday, and continue that way for the next few weeks. usually i am very anal about my grades, an 'a' or not good enough. this semester i am just trying to pass, its rather frustrating, but its all i can do to keep up, never mind the whole getting ahaed thing and being perfect this semester. if i can pull of b's then i will be pleasantly amazed.

ok, while i'm pretty sure i could probably ramble on for another couple of paragraphs at least, i need to go and finish up my laundry, no letting things hang around, they need to be put away right away, less i lose my perfect room. talk or on this case write to you all laters.