Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ok, so my husband is trying to go back into the Marine Corps, after being out for less than a year. But it is not going well, it should not be so damn difficult to do, everybody including the recruiter keeps telling us this. but something keeps cropping up here and there. its like fate, for whatever reason doesn't want him back in. but there are no jobs around where we live, and we can't afford to move so it is the military or it is nothing. i am exceedingly frustrated and annoyed at this point. now he needs a physical, another one. and we can not find someone who is willing to do it with in a decsent time frame. we really need it done before the first of october, and yes i know that is in two days, but we have been dealing with this shit for like a month or more now, so it is just arrrrr. its not like we have waited to the last minute. he already had a physical done, now he needs a second one. ok, i am done venting for the moment. i guess we will know later wether i will need to vent again.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Free Education

so i wonder how many people have noticed that free public education is so not free. you have supplies and such to buy, which is not an issue, but can still add up. then you have those teachers that just put all of the kids supplies into an everyone can use place. yes it is easier to deal with when there is just a big bag of crayons or markers, and you get rid of the whole "he has my blue crayon" type of thing. but then you have those kids who are just plain destructive, so they end up breaking or wasting more crayons than your average student, then when replacements are asked for it seems unfair for some people. there child didn't waste 24 crayons, but yet they are having to replace them anyways, when they wouldn't have had to had each student been allowed their own pencil box with there own supplies. but then you start with the whole my crayoins are better than your crayons type of thing, and sadly, even in second grade there are children who are looking to see if they have the best clothes, backpack etc.

then you have to deal with all of the fundraisers, and the book orders, and you always have to get at least one thing, because if you don't then your kid gets picked on. school sucks for kids that get picked on, i remember at times i was one of the ones getting picked on, but then again who wasn't. needless to say, the free education in this country costs alot of money. you think it would be better than it is. awe well, such is life i guess.

i just thought i would complain for a bit, because there are times when i think i spend more money on my sons education than i do on my own. and considering i go to one of the top universities in the country that is saying something.

speaking of education i have a test tonight, i am not really looking forward to it. it is online, and lasts about 2 1/2 hours. the nice thing about it being online is that it is definately an open book exam. the bad part is that this is my first time with this teacher, and i am not entirely sure what to expect of her tests, i would be happier with a paper and pen. what can i say i am an old fashioned type of person when it comes to schooling. never been much for online classes. or books, when i read i want to have something in my hands, i want to feel the pages turning, not just stare at the screen of a computer or a kindle. yet knowing how much easier it is to aquire books for a kindle, no driving and all that. i have a feeling that i am going to be getting one of those for myself. and if nothing else when i travel i won't have to plan my clothes around my books anymore. idk about you guys, but i tend to read at least one book a day, sometimes more, and that is not including all of the reading i have to do for my classes. when traveling for a week or more, i end up having either a bad of nothing but books, or i reread a few faves. and then when i get desperate i buy books while on trips, then i have to figure out how to get those home. for traveling a kindle would be very convenient, screen or no screen.

i can't wait for halloween, though i have no idea what i am going to be this year. i was hoping for a really pretty mideval dress, something a noble would wear, but i just don't think i am going to have the money or a costume this year. which means i am going to have to dig through my closet for something i can recycle. i guess we will see. i did manage to get the boys costumes already, the oldest is going to be Wolverine, and the youngest will be a skelebear. i know it was early to get costumes, but i had to get them while i had money, that way i knew they would be taken care of.

speaking of money, i am still looking for a job, i have more applications to put in tonight when i am done with my test. though i still wonder when i will sleep if i am working nights, being a wife/mom during the mornings and some afternoons, and going to school during the rest of the afternoons and evenings. and lets not forget the volunteering that i do for the VFW, or the fact that in the next few days i will be interviewing for the job of president for my university. damn, when i write down all that i do i wonder where the time comes from, surely there are more than 24 hours in a day. oh well, i guess i will always be busy, busy is better than not busy, because when i am not busy i get lazy, and lazy is bad.

ok, it is now time for me to go and take that test i mentioned earlier, wish me luck, i tend to like A's in my classes so i can use a little luck.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


ok, as of my last post i was going hunting for a ghosttown i had yet to visit, and lucky me i found it. i think it is definately one of the better ones i have visited. it was so not that difficult to find either. though admittedly, if you didn't have at least a vague sense of where you needed to go, and if you were not good with directions, it would definately be easy to get lost in the middle of nowhere. and being so close to mexico, its not the savest place in the world either, especially after dark.

now i ready to go to a new one, which with any luck i will get to in october, i may have found another non related thing that i have to do in the area. and hey, if you have to do something you don't like, you might as well do something you like with it right. this new town is called bumblebee, and is supposed to be very well preserved mainly due to the fact that someone had tried to turn it into a tourist attraction. that failed, but it has kept the buildings in descent repair. for today though i think i may go to the lake, nothing better than to be able to go and cool off, and spend the day wih the family. especially since i have not been feeling too well the last few days. gotta make sure that i don't get sick. so figuring out the whole sleep thing has not been easy.

i may be getting a job in the next few weeks, not really what i want, but what i need. my life is always so busy, if i do get a JOB, i am not at all sure where i will get sleep, but hey i guess it will work out, it usually does. so long as my grades stay up then all is well.

until next time i suppose. maybe something amazing will happen between now and then, you never know

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Surprise!!! Surprise!!!!

Ok, so it has been an interesting few weeks. first let me tell you how surprised i was when i got a friend request from author James Rollins. i had become a fan of his books on facebook, and then like a day latter he requested to be my friend, i know this is probably an unimportant thing to most of you people out there, but hey, it was sorta shocking to me. open up facebook and what do i see, a friend request from the author who at the moment tops my list. not bad, not bad at all.

on to more important things, i have after much consideration decided to apply for president at my university, i know, i know, who would ever have thought that i would want to deal with something like that, i know i never did. but hey, its a good oppurtunity, and it sounds intersting, plus it will look damn good on a resume if i ever decide to actually try and find a job. one of these days i will work, really i will. i keep telling my self that, who knows maybe one day it will actually happen. though to be honest if i could get one of my "dream jobs" i would have no issues working.

ok; just in case anyone out there reading this wants to know, maybe they want to offer my a job *winks* my dream jobs are:

*being a tour guide. yes i know, this may seem strange to you, but i really love history, and the best way to experince it is in action, at the location, just i don't know, put books just aren't the way to go for me. plus i love to travel

*being a research assitant. especially for a really awesome author *nudges James Rollins* it wousl be interesting to look up all the different aspects of something, and then help incorporate it into a great story, especially if part of doing this research invovles visiting some of the places that will be written about. as i said previously, i love traveling.

*working in a museum. ok, this is probably the more mundane of my "dream jobs" but its the one that i actually plan to work towards, it would be interesting to help set up displays about things that i also find interesting. put what i consider to be important info out for others to see.

i do not want to be a teacher, the only way i would teach is to be on a college level. i do not deal well with little kids, i tend to expect them to love history the way i do, and lets be honest most of them think its boring, and i also do not deal well with teenagers, they think they are all-knowing, and they aren't. and i would love to be the one to show them how not they are, but then i would get fired. so college level only, and that is only as a last resort, i so do not want to teach,

ok, we are done with the whole job thing, if anyone wants to offer me a job, leave a comment and i will get back to you after the beep. well, comments don't beep, but hey, you get my drift.

lets se, back to school, i was also offered an internship at the state capital, but sadly, i won't be able to do it. working 4 hours from home, with a new born baby, and a seven year old, and a husband, well, not the best idea in the world, if it payed enough for them to come too, i might consider it, but it doesn't, and it would push my bachelors back a year, because my asl class, the last of the four is only offered in the spring, so i would have to wait, then i would be all rusty, and then with my luck i would fail. so no internship next semester. if it wasn't for the asl, i would probably take it, 12 credits of working at the capital, that would look nice on my transcript. i would try to use it towards my masters.

my stepdad had a heart attack, he is good now, and back at home, thank god. but it would be why i have been on line even less than usual. the good hospital is like 1 1/2 hours away, so driving has been going on alot in the last few weeks. lets see, since my trip to phoenix to see the president, i have been to phoenix 3 times, and i have to go back on wendsday to pick up my mom from the airport. oh wow, i need to explain about the airlines, i hate the airlines. they make life very difficult when someone has a heartattack and you need to cancel thier portion of a trip. i must have spent over 10 hours on the phone dealing with these people, and in the end they still screwed up. luckily they fixed their mistake, if not we were going to have issues, ones involving lawyers, or the police, some issues can be fixed with guns.

anyways, in approximately 4 weeks i will have gone to phoenix and back 4 timesm and tucson and back probably 10. not counting a few ghosttown hunting trips, we all know how much i love those. they are one of the things i look forward to most, exploring a new place, preferably one with lots of ruins. watch out europe, one day i will get to you and your castles.

speaking of ghosttown hunting trips, i am hoping to go on one today, so i should proabably stop writing now and get a move on, its already 10am, and this one is pretty high up in the mountains and i really really don;t want to get stuck in a thunderstorm up there. so until next time