Sunday, November 29, 2009


Janet you were one of my closest friends. You were a great a person to be around, and my son is named after your husband. You passed away this morning after fighting a good fight against brain cancer for over a year, and you will be sorely missed. With you goes another piece of my soul, at least I know it is in a good place. You have my love for now and always, RIP.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Late Thanksgiving

Okay, I know that I havn't written very often, not like i said i would, but it has been a very very busy month. went out of town for thanksgiving, i hope all of yours were as awesome as mine was. and i spent alot of time talking with my teacher, now i am reviewing all of my options. were i want to work on my masters, if i even want to work on my masters, or if i want to get a job. it ought to be quite interesting. anyways, off i go to look at my options. don't be surprised if you find lists starting to appear, i need somewhere to post and compare them. and feel free to comment if you do so choose.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

i so do not need the drama

ok, so today i did a baking day with some friends. one of these friends i do not get to see very often, and the other one i try not to see too often, because she is all about the drama. but i sucked it up today, and we did pretty good, i only snapped her a few times. not to bad, especially for me, i am not nearly as patient as i should be. but then i got her home, and am happily relaxing, when she calls in tears because her husband yelled at her because she was complaining about her MIL again. i cant blame him, there is only so much one can take. and she can wear on the nerves a bit. she is nice, sometimes i just can't deal with the drama, my fault not hers i guess.

anyways, the baking went great. two different recipes fo bread for thanksgiving, and a 3 different cookie recipes, i'm happy, now i just have to deal with a whole day of baking on wendsday, but its all good, compared to the driving it is going to be a sinch. the driving is a bitch for a different day. i may post the recipes after thanksgiving, see how the family likes them.

night y'all

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Balloons 2

alright pics up from this morning on facebook, i <3<3<3<3<3 the hot air balloons, one of these days i'll actually go up in one i swear it.


Friday, November 13, 2009


It sucks, the weather was to bad for the hot air balloons to go up today, hopefully tomorrow it will be better. wish us good weather, i will be very disappointed if we get no hot air balloons this year.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


ok, so today is going to be small. no soap box moments i swear. i'm just waiting for the new naruto chapter to come out, and a few new episdoes of various animes. if i kept up better i wouldn't have to play catch up with the whole dl thing. but its all good i guess, its all fun anyways. remember to always buy your anime/manga if you can, without those who create we would not have it. hears to some awesome japanese stuff. luv u all

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day, today i am going to have a soapbox moment, consider yourselves forwarned.

I wish to say thank you to all of the veterans out there, in all of thier countries. anyone who is fighting for their freedom, and for ours and our allies. Thank you to all of the families that have lost loved ones through out the years, your sacrifice and thiers is more than anyone should ask for. yet our country has to ask, because with out men and women brave enough to go and fight for freedom, there wouldn't be freedom. i appreciate, and my family, and everyone of my friends appreciate what you do, have done, or will do for us, and for our freedom, and our home. THANK YOU!!!

and to all of you people out there, who think that our troops are murderers, who can't stand behind them, even though they are protected your freedom as well as ours, shame on you. you shouldn't be able to look yourselves in the mirror, and you should have to go and fight for your own freedoms. as the saying goes, if you don't stand behind our troops, then please go and stand in front of them. without them your life would be much different and most likely much worst than it is today, and you should take a minute to think on this, and to realize that you are wrong, they are not.

God Bless America, the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.

I am proud and astonished to be an American, and no matter what happens, this country will always be the best to me.

once again, Thank You Veterans for your service, for all that you do, and all that you give up, for this great country, and for the freedom that she represents.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

vending machines and sign language

wierd title right, but it is my day today. first i went to a meeting with those who wish to put vending machines on or campus, i think it was a very good meeting, and i hope to see new and much improved machines on campus quite soon. with 'gasp' real food, not just junk. it will be a nice change. then later this afternoon i have my asl class, and when i am done wiht this i am going to work on more of my asl homework. watch the dvd, and make sure that i have it all done, double check, maybe i will glean a bit more understanding from it than i already have.

before all of that though i have a bit of research to do for my mom, so off i go for that. i need the address of the fisher house, if you don;t know what that is, lets just say that it is a great thing that helps our troops, and if you need more than google it. google is a wonderous thing. until the next time then.

Monday, November 9, 2009

lets see

well, so far i have had nothing really interesting happen, so i really have nothing to post about. well, i did send an apology letter to some old friends, because it was time i said sorry to them. and i should be getting the keys to my shared office in a few hours, i could have them now, but there are issues with the paperwork. it will be worked out by the end of the day i hope. there is someone else waiting for me to work it out as well, but there is nothing i can do until my advisor gets back, so we will have to wait. i have decided that i am going to do some work. finish up the smaller papers for one of my classes, and start on the big paper for another. plus i have some research to do on some projects i am looking into. so i guess we will see where that leads us. laters all.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


ok, yesterday was a really good meeting, but i wish we could have spent more time and gotten more done, i know people have families, i have one as well, but sometimes things are going to run over, and i think that we need to be ready for that, and that those with families should take the extra time, and plan for it. if we don't need it great, but if we do then at least it would be there. there is alot we have to work on, and it is going to take alot of time. i look forward to the other ideas people are going to bring to the table, i know i have a few as well. friday is our next work session, and after that we will be able to work on things on our own, which will be great, though we will still be out and about, and still have two meetings a month, at least. it ought to be interesting. and fun, i definately think it will be fun. until the next time.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


silly me, yesterday i had worked out this interesting post on the shootings in texas, which is stupid and ridiculous, and how my bbq went, but i never quite got around to posting it, and i really don't want to go on about how murder is still murder no matter what the cause, or how you should only kill in self-defense, etc, etc. but i will say that the bbq was great, i got to meet alot of interesting and amazing people, and only one of them made me want to smack them so thats not bad at all. today i have a meeting, and we will try not to miss anymore days this month, i am annoyed that i missed yesterday, especially when i knew what to write about, anyways, laters all

Thursday, November 5, 2009

procrastination bites me in the ass

not always, but sometimes, yesterday was one of those times. i watched all of the deathnote movies, they are all very good btw, though i will not be buying the L one. but i did not do my homework, so this morning i woke up early and started my work, not a problem except that it took almost 4 hours to do a 2 page paper, that paper chewed me up and then spit me out, by the time i was done with it, i had to chose which of my reamaining assignments to do. so this is the lesson we have learned today, never out off till tomorrow that which you can do today. i wonder how long it will stick this time, i'm betting on 2 days. lol. now off to school i go

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

to do or not to do, that is the question

ok, so my husband has been delivering phonebooks this month, it is an interesting job, it takes a lot of gas, and alot of time, and doesn't pay nearly what it is worth, but it is money coming in, and right now we desperately need that. now we got the last route in today, and it is a doozy, lots of books and places all over the dang place, so i have been mapping it out, makes life easier a bit for my man you know, but i really don't want to deal with it atm, i should go grocery shopping, but i don't really want to do that either. to be hinest i don't want to do much of anything today. its my day off, i should be using it to do homework, but other than that i don't want to do a damn thing. i want to watch the deathnote movies, i have all 3 of them sitting in front of me. they are calling to me, but if i sit down to watch them then the whole world will fall apart, you just watch. everyone will flip out, and say that we are wasting time, or that there is a million other things we should be doing, but its not always about what you should be doing, sometimes its about what yo want to do. because what you want to do my safe whats left of your sanity for the day, where everything else is just going to take it away. life should not always have to be running on full throttle, sometimes you need to slow down and watch the landscape go by through the windows, maybe even stop and walk around for a bit. i think thats what i am going to do today. i will slow down by dropping my to do list to nothing other than the groceries, we need to eat right? and then i will come home and watch my movies. thanks, this has been most enlightening.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

day 3

ok, this is going to be a short post, why, because i have 3 papers to write and a bunch of asl homework to do all in the next 4 hours. lucky me, but my kid still needs help finishing up the turkey, so i need to have my shit together before he gets home from school. i have figured out the turkey though, so it will be awesome if it turns out the way i see it in my head. thats it for today, tomorrow is my day off, so hopefully more then. byes

Monday, November 2, 2009

we are going to give it the old college try

ok, so i am going to try to write...type.....this blog everyday for the month of november. idk whether i can do it or not, but i will try. i personally don't think that my life is interesting enough for a daily post, but i also don't see what it will hurt, so why not right. right.

so i am thinking of writing a fiction book, i doubt it will be worth anything, or ever come completely together for that matter, but there are many things trapped in my head, so i might as well free them somewhere. it will probably be more like an idea journal than an actual book, but we will see where it takes us i guess. i may even put some real things down, things that have happened to me and that i dwell on, i have been told that i have lived a unique life in my 26 years, i wouldn't know, its just my life, but i am a strange creature, maybe someone would enjoy reading or learning about my story, i guess we will just have to wait and see.

so my husband and i marathoned trinity blood lat night and into this morning, it had been a few years since i watched that anime, but i really enjoy it, and i hope that it goes someplace else later, when i am done with this i am going to look up the manga, i have parts of it, but not all of it and am curious to see where the story goes. i used to have the novels, but i had to sell them, needless to say i am regretting that decision. but you do what you have to do.

my son brought home a tukey, that we are supposed to sit down and decorate as a family, it has been interesting trying to decide how to make it unique to our family, but i think we have figured it out. when we are done i will try to remember to take pics and post them, if not here then on facebook.

mentioning facebook made me remember that i don't really post pics to my myspace, i just prefer facebook, not sure why exactly, i just do. its not so kid infested maybe, idk, if i figure it our i will share.

ok, i guess thats it for now, if i write a ton today i may have nothing for tomorrow


Sunday, November 1, 2009


ok, so yesterday was the best day of the year, lol, well at least my fave day of the year. we were busy as always, we did the thing at the mall, the thing in the park, of course we did the awesome trick or treat thing, that we did with my friend heather, her husband, her son and a friend of hers named Sai, that may be spelled wrong, i just do not know. but it was great, i don't get to see miss heather very often, she lives in bisbee, which is only 30 miles away, but with no working car, that is a long way. in a few weeks we are going to get together to do some baking for thanksgiving, that should be a blast, maybe i will post some recipes if they turn out all amazing.

anyways, the best part of the day yesterday, was what we did after the kids went to the grandmoms house, we went on a ghost hunt, now i can't tell you where, because i have been sworn to secrecy, the group we went with is the first group to ever be allowed to investigate this place, but it was amazing. a good friend of mine is the 'medium' and dang, they do depend on her alot, whether what she says is true or not i leave up to others to decide, but there are times she is astonishingly close, especially if she doesn't know going in what has happened where. there were a few places where i was picking things up, so it made for an interesting night. sometimes feeling a bit more than others can be a pain in the ass, but it is what it is and we all learn to adjust, right. right. anyways, after that we went and walked around the cemetary for a few hours, trying to find one of the relatives of someone who was with us, we didn't find it, but it still made for an interesting night. it was not the first night that i had wandered this particular cemetary, nor will it be the last i am sure.

anyways, that is my day in a nut shell, photos will be posted on facebook as per the usual, so if your interested check there.

heres hoping your life is as interesting as mine can sometimes be!!!
