Monday, February 13, 2012


Wow, so I had to go to a funeral today, I try really hard to only go to 1 or 2 funerals a year.  I dislike them, who doesn't.  I guess I have a hard time with them not because they bother me so much as the large group of people there bothers me.  Also I tend to have a bit of a morbid sense of humor which many do not appreciate during such a service. 

Anyways, the funeral  went today was for a lady I had met maybe once or twice, breaking my rule of only going to funerals for people I really, REALLY love.  However this lady has a son and husband and grandson who I am quite well acquainted with, her grandson is in my CubScout den, and her son and husband lead another den in my pack, there was a pack wide email sent out last night asking if possible to attend the funeral, so I did, her grandson is not blood related, he is sort off the outcast of the family because of this.  Her son, while a good man, treats this boy different from the children that are actually his, many men do this, and I find it terribly sad, however, from what I saw of this woman she always treated him just like the rest of the grandkids, that really made me respect her, needless to say, I went for him more than anyone else, I was curious how the rest of the family would deal with it, and I am glad to say that they all treated him well, treated him as he should be treated.  It was nice to see. 

Also it was weird, I figured that I would see a few people for the pack that I knew, and that the rest of the people would be strangers, turns out that this woman was the grandmother to a friends daughter in law, and a neighbors good friend, also the only other people from the pack that showed up were the CubMaster and his wife, so they were glad I was there so that we showed more of a supportive front than they had thought we would do.  It was actually a bit sad that no one else from the pack came, makes me sad that we are not as close as I thought we were.  It is what it is though, and it was short notice, did not know about it until yesterday, so I guess that some people just were not able to get off work. 

Alrighty,  I guess that is all for today, just found stuff interesting and needed some place to order my thoughts...

Friday, February 3, 2012


So it has been a while, I have updated some of my other blogs but not here.  So lets see what is going on.  I have started going to the gym on a daily basis, well I was going on a daily basis until I got sick, then I only made it a few times a week, and then I did not make it at all this week, but I have not been feeling well for weeks, I keep pushing and pushing and realized that I was not giving myself time to get better, so I kept getting sick again.  So with that new found wisdom I decided to take this week off, next week starting Wednesday, I will start going everyday again.  I want to lose weight, and I want to lose weight in a healthy way, that way it will stay gone, so I am trying to teach myself new habits, first being, daily gym time, next being better eating habits, I do not eat a lot of junk, it is just that I do not eat how I should, nor do I eat enough, I guess my body is in starvation mode most of the time,  so losing weight is difficult. 

Lets see, we are planning a really awesome vacation come September/October.  We were hoping for May, but other stuff came up, and Fall is a good time to travel too.  We are going to visit Michael's Grandmother, I have never met her, nor as she met her great grandsons, so this is an important trip.  We are also going to go see his sister, she has been in Germany for a few years, so we have not seen her or her son in years.  We also have never met our brother in law, her husband, so it ought to be an interesting trip when it come to meeting new people, and while we know that family is important, I really am looking forward more to the rest of the trip.  We are going to take our time getting there with time spent in San Antonio and New Orleans, and then we are going to take our time getting home spending time in Washington DC and St. Louis among others...

I am starting to homeschool my son next week, but that has a blog all for it.  Cubscouts is interesting as ever, but nothing major going on, the Blue and Gold is coming up, that is a big deal, it is going to be in Schefflands Hall this year which is just awesome, it is a great building.  Other than that, nothing going on.  I guess that means I am done for now, I know I always say it, but I will try to update more often, all of my blogs, not just one...  Laters all