Thursday, October 10, 2013
Ok, so the name of this blog is Obsessions, so I figured today I would share one of current obsessions, which is Glee, ok, not so much all of Glee, more like Blaine, and not even all of Blaine, more like Darren Criss's voice, I mean damn, that man can sing, and ATM I cannot seem to get enough of it. I have been watching and listening pretty much constantly for a couple of weeks now and it I mot getting better, in fact, if anything it is getting worse... So anyways, there is my current obsession for the moment, I say for the moment because it is bound to change, anyone who knows me I'll tell you that I read a lot, and sometime I will read the same book over and over again, numerous times until I feel a though I know all of its nuances, since the Glee thing started I have not been able to read, so it will pass as all the others do, but I felt I should share. Hugs to you all and may obsessions consume you! =0)
Monday, March 11, 2013
Winter Mornings
You know, I really hate this winter, it has been cold, miserably
cold. It has snowed like 6 or 7 times at this point, which is a lot
more than our once a year dusting. One of the best things about living
in AZ is the fact that 90% of the state has very comfortable winter
weather, and that other 10% can be avoided unless you choose to visit.
This has been the most insane winter I remember here, never have we
gotten snow more than twice in a season, and that twice is very seldom.
And I cannot remember a time when the snow actually lasted more than a
few hours. We actually had a snow last two days before melting, that is
unheard of.
Now that you know why I do not like this winter, let me tell you the one thing I have liked about it. The sun coming up later. I am a night person, it does not seem to matter when I get up, I will not be going to sleep until after 11 at the earliest more often then not. So the sun coming up later is a real boon for me, not because it wakes me up, but because it wakes up my youngest son. 95% of the time he gets up with the sun, which means as the warmth comes back into our lives this year, he is getting up earlier and earlier, culminating with a month or two of getting up between 5 and 530. This is completely unacceptable to me, little to no sleep makes for a very moody mama, which does not just effect him but also his brother! It is already starting, he was up before 730 this morning, sad.
Last summer, we handled this by showing him how to turn on the tv, we would put it on Disney JR, or Sprout, whichever he was in the mood to watch before we went to bed the night before, then he would be happy and get in his tv time before we got up, this year though such a tactic will not work, the tv needs to be warmed up, with a hair dryer, before it will turn on, seriously, we have to blow the thing for at least 10 minutes through the vents in the back to get it to turn on, it is very frustrating, and that was before I realized that it meant no more sleep for the mom...
Anyways, I am sure that the oldest one is going to be getting up soon, and I have yet to have my caffeine, and the little one keeps bugging me about his game, so I guess it is time for me to wander off!
Now that you know why I do not like this winter, let me tell you the one thing I have liked about it. The sun coming up later. I am a night person, it does not seem to matter when I get up, I will not be going to sleep until after 11 at the earliest more often then not. So the sun coming up later is a real boon for me, not because it wakes me up, but because it wakes up my youngest son. 95% of the time he gets up with the sun, which means as the warmth comes back into our lives this year, he is getting up earlier and earlier, culminating with a month or two of getting up between 5 and 530. This is completely unacceptable to me, little to no sleep makes for a very moody mama, which does not just effect him but also his brother! It is already starting, he was up before 730 this morning, sad.
Last summer, we handled this by showing him how to turn on the tv, we would put it on Disney JR, or Sprout, whichever he was in the mood to watch before we went to bed the night before, then he would be happy and get in his tv time before we got up, this year though such a tactic will not work, the tv needs to be warmed up, with a hair dryer, before it will turn on, seriously, we have to blow the thing for at least 10 minutes through the vents in the back to get it to turn on, it is very frustrating, and that was before I realized that it meant no more sleep for the mom...
Anyways, I am sure that the oldest one is going to be getting up soon, and I have yet to have my caffeine, and the little one keeps bugging me about his game, so I guess it is time for me to wander off!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Ok, so lots of stuff has been bothering me lately, and I need somewhere to clear my head, I figure that this is a good place because I do not really think many people if any read it, so it is very different from my facebook, and those who do read it know me well enough to know most of what I want to share, I know this is probably a way of hiding, but I am good with that, I have pretty consistently used this blog to vent, so I guess this is not such a bad thing. Since the November election, then with Sandy Hook, and now today being the 40th anniversary of Roe VS Wade, it all has just built up, it has been building for a while.
Misconceptions, people assume that because I am a homeschooler and involved in CubScouts I am a Christian, because I am from AZ I am a Republican, I am a college graduate so actually I must be very liberal, because I have kids I am antiabortion. I am tired of people, many who know little to nothing about me trying to fit me in a box. It is annoying as hell. So I am just going to share things about me, they may not all fit, however, they are all me.
First off, I am almost 30 years old, I love to hike and rock climb, I am also FAT, so these are not things that happen easily for me anymore. Yes I said it, I am FAT. No I do not like being FAT, and no I did not decide to be FAT. Medicine initially made me FAT, not overeating, but I have stayed this way because it was easier to hate myself than to change myself, that is changing, I am activity working on losing weight, and while it is hard, it is also worthwhile. I am proud of myself for trying instead of hoping to magically wake up thin and realize that the last however many years were a nightmare and I was never really FAT, I know that is stupid, but that is what I kept waiting for.
Next, I am a NON-Partisan, this means that I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I personally think the party system should be abolished, there are too many people who vote solely based on party affiliates, and I think that those people are STUPID!!! If you cannot look up the issues and vote on the truth instead of the different party lines then I do not believe you should vote at all. There are two many extremes associated with either party, I do not want to be affiliated with anyone other than myself and my family...
Next abortion, do I like the fact that unborn children are sometimes not allowed to be born, not particularly, would I ever choose to have an abortion, not by choice, however had I been raped, or been mistreated by a family member, if I knew that my child would only live for a little time, and it would be in agonizing pain during that time, I would have an abortion. If it were me or the child, if one of us had to die, then that is harder, if it were my first child I would most definitely and willingly give up my life for my child. If however I had other children I am not so sure I would be willing to die for one that I did not yet know and desert the others which I did. I know that is horrible, but I also believe it is true. I think people who protest at abortion clinics should have to raise and take care of the children that they 'safe', these people who stand out there and tell these women they are murderers disgust me. While I do not think that someone should have an abortion I also do not know there stories. Maybe they want an abortion because they are homeless and know that there is no way they can take care of a child, maybe they want one because it was conceived in incest and this is the only way they know to protect that child from a life of HELL. Also, do these people who congratulate themselves for saving a life know what happens to that life after it is saved, perhaps the child they saved today will end up in a dumpster cold, alone and scared in 6 months, after it is born in an alley, it will die there, much more painfully than if it had been aborted months before. How does a person congratulate themselves for that, of course they saved a life, they just don;t seem to care what happens to it after that point, and that is a disgusting and terrifying thought to me.
Lets talk about gun control next. Anyone who believes that the government should be able to take away a persons gun is an idiot. Criminals will still have theirs guns, they are not going to admit to owning one, or willingly turn it in. If I ever see a gun kill someone, all by itself, then please lets get rid of them, however guns are unable to do that. Guns are tools, how they are used are entirely up to the person using them, not the gun itself. And it is just as easy to kill someone with a knife, or a hammer, or numerous other things, they may mean you have to be more up close and personal, but trust me, it is just as easy to do. Possibly easier because you do not really have to aim, if I were attacked from behind I would rather have a knife than a gun, much easier to hit my target with out damaging myself. I really do not understand why people are so up in arms about it, except of course that people are sheep and sadly 90% of them will believe what they are told to believe...
While we are talking about guns, lets jump to the death penalty, why are we allowing someone who murdered someone else to live, a relatively comfortable life, on our money. It is stupid, I am a very eye for an eye type of person, they killed someone, then they should be killed. I do believe that the proof should have to be nonnegotiable, we are talking about someones life here, but if the person did, they should also die, in fact if it was not for the fact that some other poor soul would have to repeat the crime, I would want them to be killed the same way their victim did. If people knew what was in their future indefinitely, they would think a lot harder about killing someone. I also believe that anyone who molests a child should be killed, there has got to be something seriously wrong with a person who would do such a thing to a child. They cannot be fixed, we should stop trying and kill them, that gives the child and their family a very definite closure, it allows them to rest knowing that the person who hurt them and theirs so badly is never going to be able to come back again, and it protects other children, pedophiles do not stop, and I am obviously not talking about the 18 year old who is dating a 16/17 year old, and usually was dating them before they turned 18, I am talking about the 20+ who does anything with some 14 or under, Hell even a 16+ who does something with 12 and under, there are limits to such things, but really, anyone that sick needs to be shot.
These two have never been an issue for me, gays and race. I do not mean to group them together, I am not doing it to lesson each one to something else, just because for me they have always been a non issue. I do not care who someone else loves, or how they choose to show that love. It is none of my business what people do in their love life, and I do not believe that it anyone elses business either. I do not understand why two people who love each other should not be allowed to get married, it is ridiculous that they cannot. Now onto race, I am not nor have I ever worried or cared about someone elses race. This person is black, white, latino, asain, ok, why do I care, what does that have to do with anything. It really pisses me off when someone says I have to be prejudice because I do not agree with something that our current president has said, it is stupid, and they are only showing how ignorant they are. I have been to the South, and it was really stressful for me because people spend way to much of their time worrying about what color someone is. Everyone is the same inside, I do not get why race matters. Also, the most prejudice people I have met were either black or mexican, and both were prejudice against me. I have had people refuse to serve me for no other reason than I am white, so really, how does that make them better than anyone else. And just to clear it up now, I would say I am prejudice, against stupid and ignorant people, I really could care less what color they are.
Lets talk homeschool for a moment, I do choose to homeschool my sons because it is what is nest for them, because my oldest especially went through hell in school, he was bullied and misunderstood and left behind my a teacher or two, I do not believe this was purposely done, he just was unlucky and fell through the cracks, he needed lots of one on one time before he got something, and with the schools as they are now, there was not time for him. That is fine, he is my son and I have all the time in the world for him. I do believe with all of my heart that our education system is failing. It has become to political, it needs to be fixed, and I am thankful I have the ability to do this for my child, that does not mean that I am a crazy religious person, I am so not, nor that I am all super protective, or any other homeschool stereotype. I am just a mom who is trying to do what is best for her child...
Lastly I will hit upon religion, I am not going to share my beliefs here, not on this subject, my beliefs are my own, and they are very personal, and not something I am willing to share at so public a forum, at least not as of yet. But I do think that the issue of religion in general is quite sad. For as many years as religion has been around people have been killing each other and hating each other because of God. God, if he/she exists is probably disgusted with the lot of us, I know I would be. I do not believe that anything which created us would be happy with the way we treat each other in his/her name, not unless he/she was evil, which would basically mean we have been worshiping the wrong thing for too many generations to count. Just like race, anyone who judges someone else based on their religion is ignorant, if you are going to judge someone then judge them on their actions, not on anything else.
There, I am pretty sure I have said my peace on everything that has been getting under my skin as of late, as you can tell I have some pretty mixed views and I do not like to be put into a box, because there is not one around that fits me, even if there was, I would still dislike said box, I am constantly learning and growing, as I hope all of you are. I do not think my beliefs will change anyone elses, nor should they, they are mine and are based on my experiences, I only hope that yours are based on your life, not on what someone has told you to believe. Think for yourself people!
Misconceptions, people assume that because I am a homeschooler and involved in CubScouts I am a Christian, because I am from AZ I am a Republican, I am a college graduate so actually I must be very liberal, because I have kids I am antiabortion. I am tired of people, many who know little to nothing about me trying to fit me in a box. It is annoying as hell. So I am just going to share things about me, they may not all fit, however, they are all me.
First off, I am almost 30 years old, I love to hike and rock climb, I am also FAT, so these are not things that happen easily for me anymore. Yes I said it, I am FAT. No I do not like being FAT, and no I did not decide to be FAT. Medicine initially made me FAT, not overeating, but I have stayed this way because it was easier to hate myself than to change myself, that is changing, I am activity working on losing weight, and while it is hard, it is also worthwhile. I am proud of myself for trying instead of hoping to magically wake up thin and realize that the last however many years were a nightmare and I was never really FAT, I know that is stupid, but that is what I kept waiting for.
Next, I am a NON-Partisan, this means that I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I personally think the party system should be abolished, there are too many people who vote solely based on party affiliates, and I think that those people are STUPID!!! If you cannot look up the issues and vote on the truth instead of the different party lines then I do not believe you should vote at all. There are two many extremes associated with either party, I do not want to be affiliated with anyone other than myself and my family...
Next abortion, do I like the fact that unborn children are sometimes not allowed to be born, not particularly, would I ever choose to have an abortion, not by choice, however had I been raped, or been mistreated by a family member, if I knew that my child would only live for a little time, and it would be in agonizing pain during that time, I would have an abortion. If it were me or the child, if one of us had to die, then that is harder, if it were my first child I would most definitely and willingly give up my life for my child. If however I had other children I am not so sure I would be willing to die for one that I did not yet know and desert the others which I did. I know that is horrible, but I also believe it is true. I think people who protest at abortion clinics should have to raise and take care of the children that they 'safe', these people who stand out there and tell these women they are murderers disgust me. While I do not think that someone should have an abortion I also do not know there stories. Maybe they want an abortion because they are homeless and know that there is no way they can take care of a child, maybe they want one because it was conceived in incest and this is the only way they know to protect that child from a life of HELL. Also, do these people who congratulate themselves for saving a life know what happens to that life after it is saved, perhaps the child they saved today will end up in a dumpster cold, alone and scared in 6 months, after it is born in an alley, it will die there, much more painfully than if it had been aborted months before. How does a person congratulate themselves for that, of course they saved a life, they just don;t seem to care what happens to it after that point, and that is a disgusting and terrifying thought to me.
Lets talk about gun control next. Anyone who believes that the government should be able to take away a persons gun is an idiot. Criminals will still have theirs guns, they are not going to admit to owning one, or willingly turn it in. If I ever see a gun kill someone, all by itself, then please lets get rid of them, however guns are unable to do that. Guns are tools, how they are used are entirely up to the person using them, not the gun itself. And it is just as easy to kill someone with a knife, or a hammer, or numerous other things, they may mean you have to be more up close and personal, but trust me, it is just as easy to do. Possibly easier because you do not really have to aim, if I were attacked from behind I would rather have a knife than a gun, much easier to hit my target with out damaging myself. I really do not understand why people are so up in arms about it, except of course that people are sheep and sadly 90% of them will believe what they are told to believe...
While we are talking about guns, lets jump to the death penalty, why are we allowing someone who murdered someone else to live, a relatively comfortable life, on our money. It is stupid, I am a very eye for an eye type of person, they killed someone, then they should be killed. I do believe that the proof should have to be nonnegotiable, we are talking about someones life here, but if the person did, they should also die, in fact if it was not for the fact that some other poor soul would have to repeat the crime, I would want them to be killed the same way their victim did. If people knew what was in their future indefinitely, they would think a lot harder about killing someone. I also believe that anyone who molests a child should be killed, there has got to be something seriously wrong with a person who would do such a thing to a child. They cannot be fixed, we should stop trying and kill them, that gives the child and their family a very definite closure, it allows them to rest knowing that the person who hurt them and theirs so badly is never going to be able to come back again, and it protects other children, pedophiles do not stop, and I am obviously not talking about the 18 year old who is dating a 16/17 year old, and usually was dating them before they turned 18, I am talking about the 20+ who does anything with some 14 or under, Hell even a 16+ who does something with 12 and under, there are limits to such things, but really, anyone that sick needs to be shot.
These two have never been an issue for me, gays and race. I do not mean to group them together, I am not doing it to lesson each one to something else, just because for me they have always been a non issue. I do not care who someone else loves, or how they choose to show that love. It is none of my business what people do in their love life, and I do not believe that it anyone elses business either. I do not understand why two people who love each other should not be allowed to get married, it is ridiculous that they cannot. Now onto race, I am not nor have I ever worried or cared about someone elses race. This person is black, white, latino, asain, ok, why do I care, what does that have to do with anything. It really pisses me off when someone says I have to be prejudice because I do not agree with something that our current president has said, it is stupid, and they are only showing how ignorant they are. I have been to the South, and it was really stressful for me because people spend way to much of their time worrying about what color someone is. Everyone is the same inside, I do not get why race matters. Also, the most prejudice people I have met were either black or mexican, and both were prejudice against me. I have had people refuse to serve me for no other reason than I am white, so really, how does that make them better than anyone else. And just to clear it up now, I would say I am prejudice, against stupid and ignorant people, I really could care less what color they are.
Lets talk homeschool for a moment, I do choose to homeschool my sons because it is what is nest for them, because my oldest especially went through hell in school, he was bullied and misunderstood and left behind my a teacher or two, I do not believe this was purposely done, he just was unlucky and fell through the cracks, he needed lots of one on one time before he got something, and with the schools as they are now, there was not time for him. That is fine, he is my son and I have all the time in the world for him. I do believe with all of my heart that our education system is failing. It has become to political, it needs to be fixed, and I am thankful I have the ability to do this for my child, that does not mean that I am a crazy religious person, I am so not, nor that I am all super protective, or any other homeschool stereotype. I am just a mom who is trying to do what is best for her child...
Lastly I will hit upon religion, I am not going to share my beliefs here, not on this subject, my beliefs are my own, and they are very personal, and not something I am willing to share at so public a forum, at least not as of yet. But I do think that the issue of religion in general is quite sad. For as many years as religion has been around people have been killing each other and hating each other because of God. God, if he/she exists is probably disgusted with the lot of us, I know I would be. I do not believe that anything which created us would be happy with the way we treat each other in his/her name, not unless he/she was evil, which would basically mean we have been worshiping the wrong thing for too many generations to count. Just like race, anyone who judges someone else based on their religion is ignorant, if you are going to judge someone then judge them on their actions, not on anything else.
There, I am pretty sure I have said my peace on everything that has been getting under my skin as of late, as you can tell I have some pretty mixed views and I do not like to be put into a box, because there is not one around that fits me, even if there was, I would still dislike said box, I am constantly learning and growing, as I hope all of you are. I do not think my beliefs will change anyone elses, nor should they, they are mine and are based on my experiences, I only hope that yours are based on your life, not on what someone has told you to believe. Think for yourself people!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Weight Loss
Hello all,
So I have been working hard this week to lose weight, I have lots of it get rid of, and I would like to do it as soon as possible, so I am only eating approximately 1400 calories a day, which really would not be an issue, except that I love Dr. Pepper, which is on average 550 calories. It is all insane, I did not realize how much I was actually eating, and I went through a couple of days of hell when I first started the lower calorie count. But I have adjusted, and I give myself one 'cheat' day a week where I try to stay around 2000 calories, and eat what I have been craving. Now it is time to get rid of the Dr. Pepper. But that is probably harder than chocolate. =0)
What I have learned is that you have to really want to change, if not it is not going to happen. While I have said for years that I am going to lose weight, this is the first time I have really committed to the changes in my lifestyle necessary to do so. Exercise is not going to work for me, I am going to have to diet to lose this weight, exercise will help, but it will not do it all.
This is my year, I will lose this weight, and I will keep it off, and I will be happier for it.
All right, I guess that is all, I will keep you guys informed, as much as I ever do at least...
So I have been working hard this week to lose weight, I have lots of it get rid of, and I would like to do it as soon as possible, so I am only eating approximately 1400 calories a day, which really would not be an issue, except that I love Dr. Pepper, which is on average 550 calories. It is all insane, I did not realize how much I was actually eating, and I went through a couple of days of hell when I first started the lower calorie count. But I have adjusted, and I give myself one 'cheat' day a week where I try to stay around 2000 calories, and eat what I have been craving. Now it is time to get rid of the Dr. Pepper. But that is probably harder than chocolate. =0)
What I have learned is that you have to really want to change, if not it is not going to happen. While I have said for years that I am going to lose weight, this is the first time I have really committed to the changes in my lifestyle necessary to do so. Exercise is not going to work for me, I am going to have to diet to lose this weight, exercise will help, but it will not do it all.
This is my year, I will lose this weight, and I will keep it off, and I will be happier for it.
All right, I guess that is all, I will keep you guys informed, as much as I ever do at least...
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
So I have decided to do the 365 day photo challenge this year. This is going to be a very personal experience for me, because I know for a fact that my photos always show more than I think or expect, especially when I group them together. I am not going to blog them here, seeing as I will be posting them on Flickr, but if you all want to check in with them, here is the link!!!
Enjoy, or don't, which ever...
Happy New Years Everyone!
Enjoy, or don't, which ever...
Happy New Years Everyone!
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