Monday, March 9, 2009

still procrastinating

i'm really bad, not only do i have 5 papers due tomorrow, i also have a 5 page midterm. so what am i doing, anything but what i have to of course. i am just so tired of having to deal with all of my classes, i have so much work to do this semester, which is half way over, and i'm not even a quarter of the way through. there are like 10 papers to many, and i'm not even going to say a thing about the books that i have been reading, well sorta reading enough to get through the classes at least. so much to do and so little time.

we are going to go camping for a couple of days next week, hopefully i will have the chace to catch up after that during the rest of spring break. i'm really looking forward to the camping though, there are going to be hot springs at the lake we are going to, so you know exactly where i'll be. my son and hubby are really looking forward to the fishing, we were hoping we would be able to use my aunts boat, but we have no way of getting it to the lake, stupid broken trailor. oh wells, we get to stay in a nice cabin that is both heated and cooled, and we get our own personal bbq grill. i guess it could be worse, i just wish it cam supplied with food, then it would be as perfect as it could get. such is life i guess.

so this week is the brand new season of ghost hunters, i don't know why but i am resonably obsessed with that show, have been ever since they came down to tombstone. ghi is ok, but the original is by far the best, i hope this season is as good as some of the last ones were.

i have been waiting for a new external drive, i was hoping to be able to get one with my tax refund, but with the baby coming, i had to use the money in other places, it sucked. now i havn't been able to dl any new anime for a few weeks, i'm not behind on my shows because i have been streaming them, but when its time to dl again its gonna take forever to catch up. i guess i should just give in and backup to some dvds but its a pain to do, and they don't play as well as they do from my external. damn it all, i find it very annoying to have over a terrabyte of memory full, it should fill up so easily, it just shouldn't.

alright, i guess i will go back to working on my papers, venting here has helped me get more into my writing mood. i will have to remember that for future reference, getting me in the mindset to write is not an easy thing, but when i am there, then i can write anything. not many people i know can pull a's of of there first drafts. i guess i'm just sorta lucky that way.

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