Wednesday, August 26, 2009


ok, so i have started classes now, which is not really an issue, i am good at school. much better at it than i am at working truth be told. but dang it has been very busy since last we spoke.

my step dad has had a heartattack, but he is doing good now, hopefully he will be home from the hospital soon, it will be a week tomorrow. we are going to go and visit him this afternoon since it is his birthday, sucks to have to spend your birthday in the hospital, but we each do what we have to, or in this case, what we are forced to do by family and healthcare professionals.

my beloved husband is once again unemployed, i am not even going to go into why, its to long of a story. but needless to say we are now not in a goos place finacailly again, which i have to say i find very frustrating because we have just now caught up from the last time he was unemployed because of my student loans. speaking of my student loans, they were a pain in the ass this semester. the university had the paperwork screwed up or something, because they were, well in actual fact are 2 weeks late. they will be in this friday at the latest. so very very annoying that is. we depend on that money for major bills, like rent and other necassary things, and with it being two weeks late, if my phone hadnt been cut off, i would have a bunch of people calling for money anyway, so it would still be useless to me.

ok, next on the agenda, my aunt and uncle have come to visit from Samoa. i like/love them, but it is definately strange having other people in the house, especially without my mom here. i keep getting harassed about when i eat and what i eat. i havn't had to answer to somebody in years, unless i am leaving the kids at home, and its annoying that my aunt seems to think i should have to answer to her. we will just have to see how well my patience holds out, they are going to be here for a month.

aww, the kids, michael the oldest is now in second grade, and he is pretending that he cant read. he comes home and reads all sorts of books, but in school he is being lazy, which is going to stop. i have talked to his teacher, and his lazyness is now going to earn him twice the work in reading. he can do it, and he will. as for the other, little ray, i have dubbed him frog. and tomorrow he will be 1 month old. i can't believe how quickly time flies.

and with that note i will leave you now, becaue along with school come homework, and that is what i have to do now. wish me luck, i tend to be easily bored.

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