Monday, August 3, 2009

New Baby!!!

ok, since last we spoke, i was still quite preggers. now i am not!!! yay!! i am now the proud mother of a 8 pound 1 ounce boy named Ray. he is adorable, and he even lets me sleep through the night with the small exception of one feeding. i have no issues with that, and am more than willing for it to continue. i was in labor for a bit longer than expected, especially considering i was scheduled for a c-section, so there shouldn't have been any labor. but it is what it is i guess. i also had a tubligation, so no more kids, which my doctor was very thrilled with because it would seem that my uterus is in no condition to have another child, in fact i was quite lucky to make it through this one, especially after being in labor for almost 30 hours. my doctor was very much we should have done it the first time you came in, but we had no idea that my uterus was so bad. now if i get pregnant again, it will not only be against very big odds, but most likely i will have to terminate the pregnancy, which would kill a part of me, so my poor husband is going to go in and get snipped. that way we have even less chance of that happening. ok, i guess that is all the news for now. school starts again soon, so i'll probably be on a bit more, but who really knows for sure. byes

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