Saturday, November 13, 2010
I made a mistake, last night, late, i was ready, i could see my papers in my mind, and i could have written most of them with little to no difficulty, but i was tired, exhausted even. it had been a really long day both physically and emotionally, so i did not write, instead i went to bed where i stared at the ceiling for hours, it had to have been hours because today i am beat, tired, i feel as though i was hit by a truck, the last few days have caught up, Shawn's death, the fact that he is gone for good, and that all that he was is lost, the fact that my husband is back on nights, and i just sleep lousy without him, as well as the fact that i have been sleeping in the babies room on the guest futon, all of it have run me down today, and all of that sureness, that knowing that i could write my papers and be done with it, and rock them, it is gone too. now i can see that i am going to be pushing my way against the tide to get them done. having a night of inspiration like i did last night, that is a gift, they do not come often for me, and i tossed it out the window sure that i could grab it back today. well, i can't, it is gone, possibly for good, most likely for this semester at least. i am dreading the paper that i was most looking forward to, i know i can write good papers, but the only time i can write great papers, wondrous papers are times like last night, i should have used it to write, if nothing else to get started on my ranching paper, i know what i want to do with it, i know how it should go, i just need that magic to get it from my head to the page. and bless m i threw that magic away, damn
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Hello World, let me first get off of my chest that I am in an exceptionally strange mood tomight. I have spent far to much time in my own head, and any one who know me really well know that that is so not a thing i should be doing, especially when i have to spend so much time around all of you normal humans. i am waiting to restart my hotel on facebook, as well as for my ipod to finish syncing something like 3000 songs. and i have not slept well in a few weeks really. i am listening to blink 182, and have a tendancy to completely lose my train of thought because i keep wandering around with some weird hybrid of Alexander Skarsgard and Michael in my fantasies. Just wow. i mean wow. even more wow is this movie i am hoping to watch where he dresses as a girl. i am really enjoying the facebook quizzes lately, they are addictive in that whole bored and inner questioning thing. i keep reading about people arguing over our class reunion, which is funny, but i have found other people i knew back then because of it so that is cool. oh did i mention the fantasies, they are nice, lots of pretty men and me, back when i liked me, well i do like me mentally but i am so talking physically at the moment. once upon a time and in a galaxy far far away i used to be thin, people used to think i was cute, now i have no idea what they think, but if it is anything close to what i think then i so do not want to know what it is because i doubt anyone can think worse of me than i do, once again i mean physically not mentally. oh, there is this creepy touchy feely boy in my cubpack, i have no idea what to do wioth him, but he will not leave my hair alone, i hate people touching my hair.
wow, my mind just went blank, which is probably good, i think it overloaded. 8 more minutes for the hotel, i have no idea how many for the syncing of the ipod, that could take ages it had to update and stuff too. oh anyone want to know one of the first times i lost faith in god, i got it back after this, though as we all know that didn't exactly last to long...anyways when i was younger as in like 2nd grade era, i used to pray to wake up with black hair and pale skin and violet eyes. i was always a weird child, and i so did not get the whole praying thing at the time as you can tell, but after over a year of waking up and running to the mirror to find lil blond me, i figured that god was a joke. then with what happened to my dad and me and my sis, well, i have no idea, but we all know where i stand on that so i guess i should stop while i am ahead, am i ahead or behind, *shrugs* who knows, i don't.
so if i could figure out a way to focus all of ym awesome randomness somehwere preferrabley into coherent thougths i think i would be rich, i could write a story ot 300 and i could do movies, but i can never get what is in my head down onto paper. that is such a hard thing to do, i do not know if i will ever be able to do it in such a way that it makes sense to anyone other than me. soemtimes i have a hard time doing that for one of my poapers. and those should be easy, they just sorta fall otu of me. i wish everything was so easy. i mean not mnay people i know can write a a paper for a 400 level class in three hours. i wish i could always do that. while we are wisheing i wish to be thin and day if i really work at it, yeah right like that is going to happen.
hell i can not spell tonight, that must be because i am so tired, i Alao seem to be having issues with the whole editing thng rather than the whole not writing/typing everything that i think..FUCK>>>It is time for bed, stupid hotel still has a few more minutes, damn it, damn it, damn it. oh i know, did i share that mommy saus i will have to leave if i say fuck around her agin, it would seem that 3 times in 3 years is three time to many. i think that is funny seeing how she worls at bars where it is always said, anyways. i try not to say it, but sometimes it just pops out, at 27 you would think i could curse withpout my mom getting upset, but no. the odd thing is that i could put a curse on someone and she would probably be good with that. oh well. hotel should be done by now and when i wake up- if i sleep my movie should be ready for my consumption. i love wierd movies with crossdressers and man love. it will be a good day tomowrrow, other than the whole having to wrote papers thing, but yeah that will hopefully flow as well as this has, in under 15 minutes i oresent you will this...i do not know what it is, only that it came from my head withh a lil help from spell check
i love you all, i have no idea why but i do, and i should just stop typing because if i don;t then i will never be done with this, have you ever realized how one thought can lead to another and that they have absolutely nothing in common, yet in my head they do. nice.
i lied, there will be no spellcheck, it is way to much of a hassle for my current mindstate. ok i am really leaving you this time, i need to go find my vampires and have them convert me now.
wow, my mind just went blank, which is probably good, i think it overloaded. 8 more minutes for the hotel, i have no idea how many for the syncing of the ipod, that could take ages it had to update and stuff too. oh anyone want to know one of the first times i lost faith in god, i got it back after this, though as we all know that didn't exactly last to long...anyways when i was younger as in like 2nd grade era, i used to pray to wake up with black hair and pale skin and violet eyes. i was always a weird child, and i so did not get the whole praying thing at the time as you can tell, but after over a year of waking up and running to the mirror to find lil blond me, i figured that god was a joke. then with what happened to my dad and me and my sis, well, i have no idea, but we all know where i stand on that so i guess i should stop while i am ahead, am i ahead or behind, *shrugs* who knows, i don't.
so if i could figure out a way to focus all of ym awesome randomness somehwere preferrabley into coherent thougths i think i would be rich, i could write a story ot 300 and i could do movies, but i can never get what is in my head down onto paper. that is such a hard thing to do, i do not know if i will ever be able to do it in such a way that it makes sense to anyone other than me. soemtimes i have a hard time doing that for one of my poapers. and those should be easy, they just sorta fall otu of me. i wish everything was so easy. i mean not mnay people i know can write a a paper for a 400 level class in three hours. i wish i could always do that. while we are wisheing i wish to be thin and day if i really work at it, yeah right like that is going to happen.
hell i can not spell tonight, that must be because i am so tired, i Alao seem to be having issues with the whole editing thng rather than the whole not writing/typing everything that i think..FUCK>>>It is time for bed, stupid hotel still has a few more minutes, damn it, damn it, damn it. oh i know, did i share that mommy saus i will have to leave if i say fuck around her agin, it would seem that 3 times in 3 years is three time to many. i think that is funny seeing how she worls at bars where it is always said, anyways. i try not to say it, but sometimes it just pops out, at 27 you would think i could curse withpout my mom getting upset, but no. the odd thing is that i could put a curse on someone and she would probably be good with that. oh well. hotel should be done by now and when i wake up- if i sleep my movie should be ready for my consumption. i love wierd movies with crossdressers and man love. it will be a good day tomowrrow, other than the whole having to wrote papers thing, but yeah that will hopefully flow as well as this has, in under 15 minutes i oresent you will this...i do not know what it is, only that it came from my head withh a lil help from spell check
i love you all, i have no idea why but i do, and i should just stop typing because if i don;t then i will never be done with this, have you ever realized how one thought can lead to another and that they have absolutely nothing in common, yet in my head they do. nice.
i lied, there will be no spellcheck, it is way to much of a hassle for my current mindstate. ok i am really leaving you this time, i need to go find my vampires and have them convert me now.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Grand Canyon
Ok, so as I am sure we have established I am really bad at the whole blogging thing, I just don't think about it very often. Anyways, onto the whole trip thing.
We went to the Grand Canyon. It was amazing, you could stare at it for hours and still find something different and new. It is huge, it was more than what I thought it would be, and I only saw a very small portion of it. We stopped at a Native American museum and saw some ruins of Kivas etc.
And then we went to the Desert Vista Viewtower. It was an stunning view from the top. And a nice women took a family picture of all of us at the edge.
on the way back from the Grand Canyon we stopped at Bedrock in Valle, it was great, I think I took more pictures of it than I did of the canyon. The boys absolutely adored being able to run around, and Michael especially liked to get his picture taken with Fred and Barney. It is a bit of a cheap park, it had obviously been there awhile, but at only five dollars a person to get in, it was well worth the money, we spent a couple of hours there.
We stayed in Williams, right on Route 66, so that was pretty awesome as well, at least it was for a history buff like me. Michael was not nearly as impressed, but then again he very seldom is. his favorite part was watching the helicopters at the Grand Canyon Airport, which I have to admit I also enjoyed.
We also got to see all of the tornado damage caused last week at Bellemont. That was something I do not think we will ever see again, not in this state, it was just such a surreal experience. It's Arizona, not Kansas, so seeing the train knocked over onto it's side was definitely weird.
And since you cannot go to northern AZ without passing through Flagstaff, we stopped there for a few hours, went to Barnes and Nobles, and up the snowbowl where the views were nice, but not nearly as awesome as the ones from the rim.
Also we got to go to this cool drive through zoo, Bearizona, it was new, so it was not finished, but I predict that in the next few years when they are done with all of thier stuff they will be a great zoo.
On the way home we stopped and stayed the night with Kary, it was nice, I miss her.
We went to the Grand Canyon. It was amazing, you could stare at it for hours and still find something different and new. It is huge, it was more than what I thought it would be, and I only saw a very small portion of it. We stopped at a Native American museum and saw some ruins of Kivas etc.
And then we went to the Desert Vista Viewtower. It was an stunning view from the top. And a nice women took a family picture of all of us at the edge.
on the way back from the Grand Canyon we stopped at Bedrock in Valle, it was great, I think I took more pictures of it than I did of the canyon. The boys absolutely adored being able to run around, and Michael especially liked to get his picture taken with Fred and Barney. It is a bit of a cheap park, it had obviously been there awhile, but at only five dollars a person to get in, it was well worth the money, we spent a couple of hours there.
We stayed in Williams, right on Route 66, so that was pretty awesome as well, at least it was for a history buff like me. Michael was not nearly as impressed, but then again he very seldom is. his favorite part was watching the helicopters at the Grand Canyon Airport, which I have to admit I also enjoyed.
We also got to see all of the tornado damage caused last week at Bellemont. That was something I do not think we will ever see again, not in this state, it was just such a surreal experience. It's Arizona, not Kansas, so seeing the train knocked over onto it's side was definitely weird.
And since you cannot go to northern AZ without passing through Flagstaff, we stopped there for a few hours, went to Barnes and Nobles, and up the snowbowl where the views were nice, but not nearly as awesome as the ones from the rim.
Also we got to go to this cool drive through zoo, Bearizona, it was new, so it was not finished, but I predict that in the next few years when they are done with all of thier stuff they will be a great zoo.
On the way home we stopped and stayed the night with Kary, it was nice, I miss her.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
So, it has been awhile has it not. I do not even know where to begin. we had a really nice end to the summer, my sis Beth returned from her trip to the south, a little more wear and tear on her, but she needed it because now she is back to being her old self rather than the idk what she was she has been for the last year. it is nice to have her back with us though, it was definately a lonely summer without her.
since she came home we decided to take a trip up to Payson to visit with the cousins who live up there. And also to go to the Tonto Natural Bridge. Both were great, we really got to know Sara, Danny and the girls better than we had before, and we had a really nice pleasant time. You need to check on the pics on facebook, I should be getting them up in the next few hours.
we also stopped bt the Phoenix museum for the youth, it was our second trip, this one was anime, the last one was music, any of you who know us well, know we LOVE anime, but the museum was so crowded this time, that we found it very unpleasant, the first time we went was fun and we really enjoyed it, this time not so much. what we learned, do NOT go in the first sunday of the month because while you get free admission, you also get like a million and one people.
I finally got around to watching Eclipse, it was ok, not really any better or worse than any of the other Twilight movies, the books are better, the movies ruin the books, but hey that is only my opinion. another set of shows that ruin the books they are based on is trueblood. Loved the books, the show is just way, and I mean way out there.
The baby turned 1 in July, we had a really really wonderful party, special thanks to Jessie and Jon, and to T and Scott, you guys are all family, and we love you.
Ok, I guess it tis time for me to go, I want to get a paper done today, and I have a lot of housework still to go. Laters all
since she came home we decided to take a trip up to Payson to visit with the cousins who live up there. And also to go to the Tonto Natural Bridge. Both were great, we really got to know Sara, Danny and the girls better than we had before, and we had a really nice pleasant time. You need to check on the pics on facebook, I should be getting them up in the next few hours.
we also stopped bt the Phoenix museum for the youth, it was our second trip, this one was anime, the last one was music, any of you who know us well, know we LOVE anime, but the museum was so crowded this time, that we found it very unpleasant, the first time we went was fun and we really enjoyed it, this time not so much. what we learned, do NOT go in the first sunday of the month because while you get free admission, you also get like a million and one people.
I finally got around to watching Eclipse, it was ok, not really any better or worse than any of the other Twilight movies, the books are better, the movies ruin the books, but hey that is only my opinion. another set of shows that ruin the books they are based on is trueblood. Loved the books, the show is just way, and I mean way out there.
The baby turned 1 in July, we had a really really wonderful party, special thanks to Jessie and Jon, and to T and Scott, you guys are all family, and we love you.
Ok, I guess it tis time for me to go, I want to get a paper done today, and I have a lot of housework still to go. Laters all
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Wow, so there is a lot of nothing going on here, ans yet a lot of other weird stuff. My sis in law has wandered away to South Carolina, where she is intending on staying for an unknown amount of time. My mom in law has still not gotten a new car so we are continuing to drive her to and from work and wherever else 6 days a week. This week is the VFW Convention, so Phoenix and hot hot weather is life atm, sad. I am missing a ASUAS meeting and possibly a Cubscouts meeting because of it. Not sure about the scouts one yet, we may make it, I guess we will just have to wait and see. And I am still looking for a job, hopefully i will find one soon.
on the yay side of things, i am planning a trip to vegas in september, i have the hotel reserved, and am now deciding what to do, there is just so much, there are two things i am definitely doing, the sky jump off the stratasphere, and getting a new tat, other than those i just do not know, definitely am going to have to safe up the cash for this trip, because everything is so very very expensive.
oh wells, enough for now.
on the yay side of things, i am planning a trip to vegas in september, i have the hotel reserved, and am now deciding what to do, there is just so much, there are two things i am definitely doing, the sky jump off the stratasphere, and getting a new tat, other than those i just do not know, definitely am going to have to safe up the cash for this trip, because everything is so very very expensive.
oh wells, enough for now.
Friday, May 28, 2010
ok, so when i get bored, with life in general, or maybe with what i a reading atm i always fall back to webcomics. they are funny interesting, and best of all free. so i thought i would share a few of my favorites. the first ne i read is call Two Lumps, and it is about some really awesome cats who love to eat goshy food, it can be found at and was introduced to me by my beloved Iri. the next one i read is The Devils Panties ( Jennie Brennen, I actually read two of hers, the other one being Geebas on Parade( Now i found these comics from one of my fave authors, you'll remember her, LKH, in her book Flirt, she shares a comic by
Jennie that has her and her husband and some of their friends as stars. Ok, the next comic I read religiously is Something Positive, this one I just randomly ran across, it's linked to the two lumps page, and his characters once did a spot In the devil's panties, so they sorta link together a little. but anyways this one is sorta dark and crazy and fun. the characters are cruel and hilarious all at the same time. i wish they were my friends. Lastly is one that i have just started reading, it is called The Order of the Stick and is about rpging it is at so these are my boredom relievers, maybe you read some of them and maybe you don't, but either way i hope you may enjoy them like i do. laters.
Jennie that has her and her husband and some of their friends as stars. Ok, the next comic I read religiously is Something Positive, this one I just randomly ran across, it's linked to the two lumps page, and his characters once did a spot In the devil's panties, so they sorta link together a little. but anyways this one is sorta dark and crazy and fun. the characters are cruel and hilarious all at the same time. i wish they were my friends. Lastly is one that i have just started reading, it is called The Order of the Stick and is about rpging it is at so these are my boredom relievers, maybe you read some of them and maybe you don't, but either way i hope you may enjoy them like i do. laters.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Trying it out
So as many of you know, any of you who have read my previous posts at least, there are alot of times which I share info about books, a lot on the Anita Blake series. Search for anita blake series
. and now, I can add this for books that I am reading or at least those I am writing about. I think it is really cool, and it may bring in a bit of extra cash as well, which is so not a bad thing. So we will give it a try and see where it takes us.
Now onto what I am currently reading. It is the Night Angel Series, which was recommended to me by my lovely wifey and close friend Iridani, it is a trilogy made up ofThe Way Shadows, Shadow's Edge, and Beyond the Shadows. And let me tell you what, I love them. I have finished the first and am just starting the second, but I could not put the first one down. I read until I fell asleep for three nights which is what it took me to finish it. So needless to say, I have gotten all of like 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night since I picked them up. The best part being that I would not have it any other way. They are just so good, and I am actually considering putting off reading the new Anita book that comes out on June first, Bullet until I am done with these. which by the way for me is crazy because I so love my vampire books. they are just so fun to read. and Anita has been one of my faves for a few years now.
Let's see, what else have I purchased or read in the last few weeks. *thinking.......* lets see, Gena Showalter's Atlantis series, I have read the first three, and just for the record, I did not use to read romances, they just sorta fall into my hands when I want something light. Anyways, I just bought The Vampire's Bride. So I will share about that later. And before I got the Night Angel Trilogy I had read all of Lara Adrians Midnight Breed novels, more vampires, hot vampires at that, which is of course even better. Here's the first one to that.
I think that will probably do it for now, there are quite a few new books coming out this summer, that I cannot wait for, and of course there are movies as well. Like Alice in Wonderland, which is less that a week away, I cannot wait to own that movie.
I am rather sad though, I have to drive out to Tucson on that day, the day that both my movie and one of the books I have been counting down for is released. so no buying ubtil after i get home around noon or later. I hate that. oh well, i guess that i have shared enough, and don't forget to look at all the pretty books i have linked, and buy some so that i can get paid. j/k j/k. well sorta. luv to you all
Now onto what I am currently reading. It is the Night Angel Series, which was recommended to me by my lovely wifey and close friend Iridani, it is a trilogy made up ofThe Way Shadows, Shadow's Edge, and Beyond the Shadows. And let me tell you what, I love them. I have finished the first and am just starting the second, but I could not put the first one down. I read until I fell asleep for three nights which is what it took me to finish it. So needless to say, I have gotten all of like 2 or 3 hours of sleep a night since I picked them up. The best part being that I would not have it any other way. They are just so good, and I am actually considering putting off reading the new Anita book that comes out on June first, Bullet until I am done with these. which by the way for me is crazy because I so love my vampire books. they are just so fun to read. and Anita has been one of my faves for a few years now.
Let's see, what else have I purchased or read in the last few weeks. *thinking.......* lets see, Gena Showalter's Atlantis series, I have read the first three, and just for the record, I did not use to read romances, they just sorta fall into my hands when I want something light. Anyways, I just bought The Vampire's Bride. So I will share about that later. And before I got the Night Angel Trilogy I had read all of Lara Adrians Midnight Breed novels, more vampires, hot vampires at that, which is of course even better. Here's the first one to that.
I think that will probably do it for now, there are quite a few new books coming out this summer, that I cannot wait for, and of course there are movies as well. Like Alice in Wonderland, which is less that a week away, I cannot wait to own that movie.
I am rather sad though, I have to drive out to Tucson on that day, the day that both my movie and one of the books I have been counting down for is released. so no buying ubtil after i get home around noon or later. I hate that. oh well, i guess that i have shared enough, and don't forget to look at all the pretty books i have linked, and buy some so that i can get paid. j/k j/k. well sorta. luv to you all
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Help ME!!!
So who knows what boredom is, we all do right, at least we probably should. and who here has stared at the computer, with all its glorious access to the internets and still been bored. yeah yeah, all of us better raise our hands, because at least once, even if we are not willing to admit to more than that we have all been there and done that. its such a pain in the ass, being bored, and knowing that you have spent god knows how many hours being bored. sorry, sorry, i am rambling i know. but what can i say, i am BORED!!!
i have read a new series, i have checked out my daily web comics, which keep increasing by the way. hell i have sat down and tried to draw my own web comic, but i do not really draw all that well, so it was a pointless thing in actuality. i have sat down and completed like half of a book, read one of my professors dissertation, and even sat down to try and start on mine, all to no avail. nothing is really keeping me not bored, i want to get out and do something, but i can't.
i have no money, and i have no time, why you might ask, well, because my MIL needs rides to and from work, i am stuck in the god awful boring town because my MIL needs a flippin ride, it is frustrating and annoying, and i refuse to spend my summer in this situation, pretty soon i am going to go and do what i want to do regardless because i do not want to be someones taxi, i have already had to change plans for her, and i do not want to do it again, so i will not.
who am i joking, i probably will, but ARRRR i do not want to have to. annoying, very annoying.
so i will plan something to do this summer, like that trip to St. Louis I want to do, and she will just have to deal, i am not ruining or changing to much for my kid either, i just can't do that to him.
oh well, done with the venting, for now at least. laters all.
i have read a new series, i have checked out my daily web comics, which keep increasing by the way. hell i have sat down and tried to draw my own web comic, but i do not really draw all that well, so it was a pointless thing in actuality. i have sat down and completed like half of a book, read one of my professors dissertation, and even sat down to try and start on mine, all to no avail. nothing is really keeping me not bored, i want to get out and do something, but i can't.
i have no money, and i have no time, why you might ask, well, because my MIL needs rides to and from work, i am stuck in the god awful boring town because my MIL needs a flippin ride, it is frustrating and annoying, and i refuse to spend my summer in this situation, pretty soon i am going to go and do what i want to do regardless because i do not want to be someones taxi, i have already had to change plans for her, and i do not want to do it again, so i will not.
who am i joking, i probably will, but ARRRR i do not want to have to. annoying, very annoying.
so i will plan something to do this summer, like that trip to St. Louis I want to do, and she will just have to deal, i am not ruining or changing to much for my kid either, i just can't do that to him.
oh well, done with the venting, for now at least. laters all.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ok, so I live in Az, I know what it is like to live both in a city that is affected by Illegal Immigration, as well as on a Ranch right on the border. And I am more than happy to keep my tongue during this whole debate, but I am tired of people telling me that what I know, what I have experienced are wrong. Or that I have to understand because my house sits all of 8 miles from the border. I have sort of a duel view to this law. Yes, I want the illegals stopped from crossing the border, I do not want druggies or gangsters or child molesters etc. coming into my city and being anywhere near my children. who does? but i also understand that not everyone who crosses the border is a horrible criminal, there are also those who are out looking for a better job, for a way to bring something back for their family. i have no problem with this latter group, i think that if they want to come and work here in our fields, or anywhere else then they should be able to, what i do not get is why they do not come over here legally, i mean is it really so difficult to get a piece of paper. it seems so. i know that for generations families have crossed between the two countries, i know that closing the border will upset a lot of families, many that were here before us. but i also understand that why people here want the border closed. why people do not feel safe. unless you have been in a house that someone with a gun was trying to break into, unless you have run across that group of drug smugglers while you were out hiking, or unless you have lost someone in this war that most of the US public refuses to acknowledge exists, then you wouldn't understand. So all I ask, is that unless you have lived here, and can actually back up what you are saying with personal experience good or bad, then keep your opinions to yourself and stay out of this fight, you shouldn't be in it anyways.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
I know it should be, but I am just stressed and slightly down in the dumps today. I want to do nothing but sit back with a new book and read, however the only thing that i get to do is homework. I have three assignments due over the next three days, not counting a doctor's appointment in Tucson for my you gungest and jury duty. The n my husband needs to have access to the computer as well because he procrastinated his heart out on one of his classes and needs to catch up. I do not know how we are going to get it all done today. Yeah, actually i do, we aren't and i will be the one to just give in because i do not want to be doing this anyways. all i want to do is curl up in a ball and read a book to escape. it is not my ideal escape, that would be just getting in the car and drivin until i ran out of gas, but i cannot do that, so a book it is i guess. its really sad when you just need some time to yourself and cannot get it. oh well. i guess i have whined enough, i hope you all are having a better mothers day than i am. laters
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
hello again
so it is my least favorite time of the school semester, finals. which for me usually means lots and lots of papers. I hate having to research and wrote papers on topics that i am only a little bit interesting in, or worse yet when i am not at all interested in the topic. it is very hard to stick with it and do a good job, not just throw stuff together and end up with a 'ok' grade. i like my a's, but i am willing to suffer a b considering that i know i do not put the amount of work into my classes that i should. anyways, this semester i have 6 major papers due. one of which has already been turned in, and the rest which i have barely looked at. all of which are due within the next two weeks, i am burned out on school already, or again, or whatever, i was really looking forward to this semester too, since it was to be my last, but then i learned that they screwed up my transcripts and i actually need another 11 credits to graduate, so there is another semester, one i really really do not want to do, but i will because i need to be finished, and i mean NEED.
on a side note, my sons are both doing wonderful, i feel bad because my oldest could not go visit nini today, but he would not clean his room, he assumed cause she was family she would be an exception, and he has pushed us far enough that there are no exceptions now, so home he stayed with mimi while everyone else got to go and see the big dump truck, a very important thing to an 8 year old boy btw, and he had to stay home and clean. it went ok, and now that he knows we are serious about his room i suspect that it will be clean in the next few days. at least this is what i am hoping for.
michael has gotten a job, it is great, but i am not used to be home all day with the baby and no other adult to act as a buffer while i am trying to finish up my homework it definitely makes things far more interesting than they had been previously. it had been quite a few years since i had had to deal with homework and kids that you couldn't just set in front of the tv or send outside to play for an hour or so while you finish up, needless to say it has a definite learning curve.
oh, and i am looking for a new book series to read, preferably one that is complete, so if you have a recommendation than please let me know, however you wish it doesn't matter, i suspect that most of you know at least one way to get a hold of me.
i guess that is it for the night, i hope you all have a good night, and someone to share it with. i know i do and i will
on a side note, my sons are both doing wonderful, i feel bad because my oldest could not go visit nini today, but he would not clean his room, he assumed cause she was family she would be an exception, and he has pushed us far enough that there are no exceptions now, so home he stayed with mimi while everyone else got to go and see the big dump truck, a very important thing to an 8 year old boy btw, and he had to stay home and clean. it went ok, and now that he knows we are serious about his room i suspect that it will be clean in the next few days. at least this is what i am hoping for.
michael has gotten a job, it is great, but i am not used to be home all day with the baby and no other adult to act as a buffer while i am trying to finish up my homework it definitely makes things far more interesting than they had been previously. it had been quite a few years since i had had to deal with homework and kids that you couldn't just set in front of the tv or send outside to play for an hour or so while you finish up, needless to say it has a definite learning curve.
oh, and i am looking for a new book series to read, preferably one that is complete, so if you have a recommendation than please let me know, however you wish it doesn't matter, i suspect that most of you know at least one way to get a hold of me.
i guess that is it for the night, i hope you all have a good night, and someone to share it with. i know i do and i will
Sunday, April 18, 2010
yeah, so just a quick note to say, that I know I have responsibilities in lots of different areas, but i will put it in order for you, family is number one and will always be number one. next is friends, then school, student government and vfw stuff is last on the important to do lists. so if it is between a report due for the vfw or a 15 page paper due for school, then the vfw loses. and if it is between that 15 page paper and doing something with my kids, then the paper loses. that is the way that it is, and that is the way it has always been. i do not appreciate people getting angry at me when they throw something at me at the last minute and it doesn;t get done. niether do i appreciate being told that i am not living up to my end of a bargain when i started a project because major things have been going on in my personal life and i will not let that effect my kids personally. so get over it because it is not going to change.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Long time no see
yeah, so i just realized that i have not really blogged for a while, so i thought hey, i have a few spare minutes, might as well get it done right. lets see, it has been an exceptionally busy month, mainly because we got t0 go on vacation over spring break, so nice, so fun. but before we get to the fun part, it is time to let me vent.
caution, may not want to read, so skip down a bit for vacation info.
ok, so as i have mentioned before i think, i am a member of asa, which is all well and good, except that this board cannot be made up of college students, they have to be middle school aged at best, at least that is what they act like. there is more in fighting than i want to deal with, we are supposed to be doing things for the students, but we never seem to be able to get things done because people cannot stop arguing things that are done with, or cannot stop arguing over which university or district is the best. i could not believe the way these people act, the whole group should go to a mediation, but at this point, the year is almost up so whats the point right, anyways, i just had to get that out because i find it ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.
vacation starts here
ok, now on to the fun stuff, we went to apache lake in the phoenix area for spring break, it was great fun. we rented a boat for a couple o days and explored caves and coves that can only be accessed by the water, we also got to see the two dams that are on either end of the lake, absolutely beautiful they were too. me being the clutz i am fell on the dock the first day we rented a boat, the bruises are great, they have been every color of the rainbow since i got them a week ago, till now, and yes, they are still there and probably will be for another 2 weeks or so, i bruise exceptionally easily, and i bet the people who saw me fall on my ass at the last abor meeting would be in no way surprised that i fell on a slippery dock, in the only hole none the less, oh well, it is what it is i guess.
anyways, we also went into payson and saw sara, michaels cousin at work, we were going o try to go back and catch a concert with her and her husband, and her brother and his girlfriend, but michael was not feeling good so we ended up going home instead. lets see, oh yes, we also got to see the cliff dwellings in roosevelt, though not up close because we got there about 15 minutes before closing time, so we did not get the chance of hiking up to them, that will be an adventure for a different day i guess, though i did get a few pics of them, like super zoomed up to.
we went to wet and wild phoenix, which could have been great except that my oldest son is a chicken and would not ride any of the slides without first throwing a tantrum, and then the actual pools were closed, so there was not really anything for the baby to do, he does not like water splashing on him, though he does enjoy sitting in it and splashing you. but i got to ride 4 slides, so it was not a complete waste, though 4 slides for the 100+ we payed to get it would argue that.
finally we went to the Renaissance fair, it was great fun, but exceptionally expensive, plus i had to interview people which i really hated, (i hope you are happy with that paper derek) but you do what you gotta do for your classes you know.
tomorrow i have to go to tucson and get my youngest son a helmet for his head, it is misshaped, just like his brothers was, so the helmet will make it be more normal than it would otherwise be. and then i also will be meeting a teacher at ua main, to see if she will let poor little undergraduate me in one of her graduate courses for credit, i hope she does and i hope she doesn't for different reasons, but those would be for a different blog.
my time is up and now i must go. love to you all
caution, may not want to read, so skip down a bit for vacation info.
ok, so as i have mentioned before i think, i am a member of asa, which is all well and good, except that this board cannot be made up of college students, they have to be middle school aged at best, at least that is what they act like. there is more in fighting than i want to deal with, we are supposed to be doing things for the students, but we never seem to be able to get things done because people cannot stop arguing things that are done with, or cannot stop arguing over which university or district is the best. i could not believe the way these people act, the whole group should go to a mediation, but at this point, the year is almost up so whats the point right, anyways, i just had to get that out because i find it ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous.
vacation starts here
ok, now on to the fun stuff, we went to apache lake in the phoenix area for spring break, it was great fun. we rented a boat for a couple o days and explored caves and coves that can only be accessed by the water, we also got to see the two dams that are on either end of the lake, absolutely beautiful they were too. me being the clutz i am fell on the dock the first day we rented a boat, the bruises are great, they have been every color of the rainbow since i got them a week ago, till now, and yes, they are still there and probably will be for another 2 weeks or so, i bruise exceptionally easily, and i bet the people who saw me fall on my ass at the last abor meeting would be in no way surprised that i fell on a slippery dock, in the only hole none the less, oh well, it is what it is i guess.
anyways, we also went into payson and saw sara, michaels cousin at work, we were going o try to go back and catch a concert with her and her husband, and her brother and his girlfriend, but michael was not feeling good so we ended up going home instead. lets see, oh yes, we also got to see the cliff dwellings in roosevelt, though not up close because we got there about 15 minutes before closing time, so we did not get the chance of hiking up to them, that will be an adventure for a different day i guess, though i did get a few pics of them, like super zoomed up to.
we went to wet and wild phoenix, which could have been great except that my oldest son is a chicken and would not ride any of the slides without first throwing a tantrum, and then the actual pools were closed, so there was not really anything for the baby to do, he does not like water splashing on him, though he does enjoy sitting in it and splashing you. but i got to ride 4 slides, so it was not a complete waste, though 4 slides for the 100+ we payed to get it would argue that.
finally we went to the Renaissance fair, it was great fun, but exceptionally expensive, plus i had to interview people which i really hated, (i hope you are happy with that paper derek) but you do what you gotta do for your classes you know.
tomorrow i have to go to tucson and get my youngest son a helmet for his head, it is misshaped, just like his brothers was, so the helmet will make it be more normal than it would otherwise be. and then i also will be meeting a teacher at ua main, to see if she will let poor little undergraduate me in one of her graduate courses for credit, i hope she does and i hope she doesn't for different reasons, but those would be for a different blog.
my time is up and now i must go. love to you all
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I so did not want to walk, but it would seem that I have no choice in the matter. Everyone wants to see me and celebrate, I just want my important and expensive piece of paper, and a little bit of a break before I continue on for my next important and expensive piece of paper, it would seem that you can never have to many of them. . Anyways, today I went and got my cap and gown, and a few tassles, and of course that wonderful thingy that you put the degree in. Yay!!! =0/ notice the sarcasm people, notice the sarcasm. so now on a special day in may i get to walk down an aisle shake a bunch of hands, a plus to this is that i actually know the people who the hands belong to thanks to student government, and be forced to do this all in front of a large amount of people i do not know, nor do i wish to know them. you know the person is trips and falls and makes a general fool of herself when forced into uncomfortable situations, that is me. so i feel blessed to be able to do this AGAIN.....not. ok, i have vented enough for the moment at least. laters all.
Monday, March 1, 2010
AZ Tuition Hearings
Tonight i got to stand up in front of hundreds of people and share my story about trying get a higher education while being a mom and and a wife to a vet. I got to tell others stories about how they pay both their tuition and the tuition of their children, and about how, when these tuition increases go up, they are going to have to give up their education so that they can pay for their children. This is something that students of no age should have to chose. The horrible part is that everything I said, all of the stories I have told, they will not matter, because the ABOR do not have a choice but to allow tuition to be raised, the state has cut back our funding to the point where if they did not raise tuition than we would not be able to have the great education that we are currently recieving, that is of course if the University was still able to stay open. Arizona Legislatures need to get their heads out of their asses and realize that the universities and the students that go to these universities are the future of our state, without them this state will continue to fail, the economy will continue to decline, and people will not want to live here or raise a family here. What would the state do then I wonder, I do not know, and I would rather not find out.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
OK, so this weekend i am in Tucson for NCLC or the National Collegiate Leadership Conference. It is interesting, I have learned some new things, and reinforced other things, so that is good, I have also met some new people, which is never a bad thing, at least that is what i keep being told, or reminded by Andres, or happy President here at ASUAS. but the people i met are not horrible, so that is always a good thing i guess. I got a new shirt, for sleeping because it is freakin huge, and i learned about different service projects around Tucson, a few that I would like to try and extend down to Sierra Vista. I have one three community service projects, though they offered more, you cannot do you hours with service projects alone, which sucks because i would have. anyways there was beads of courage, which gives beads for certain things to children in the hospital for a long term, those who are being treated for cancer for example, so every time they get there blood drawn they get a red bead, or an xray would be a glow in the dark bead, and then when they are all done with their ordeal, when hopefully they are healed, they then have a strand of beads, sometimes a really really long strand, that they can use to show their story with. it gives them a way to know what has happened to them. the next one i did was bens bells, and that one is a random act of kindness, you go and you make these windchimes, and then twice a year they take them and hide them all over tucson, and a few other cities, and then when people find them, they take them home. this one was started by the parents of a young boy who died, it was their way of dealing with their grief, and now it helps others for various reasons, it was really awesome. the last one we did was the boring one, it was necessary, but it was still boring. it was done by the majority of the conference attendees, and it was packaging rice, for two hours we sat there listening to a dj who sucked balls, and did a work line packaging rice, i opened the bags, 100's of bags, and have had it reinforced as to why i am going to school, so that i do not have to do that as a living. but it was for a good cause, every bag went to a family who needs help, so i would do it again, so long as i chose it and was not forced into it. the workshops have been interesting, in the first one i learned that i am green, then orange, then gold, and finally blue when it comes to the personality color thingy, and the second one allowed me to watch people tear up boxes, always a fun thing, people making fools out of themselves. today i will learn how to make a awesome powerpoint presentation, or at least i hope i will, and then i am not sure what else, but we will see. alright, laters then isa got to back and find a new place for the car. sad i liked it where it was, oh well.
Monday, February 15, 2010
ok, so on twitter i promised a blog about the movies i watched yesterday. so here it is, short and sweet so that i can get my homework done, at least that is the plan, we will see if i can stick to it.
first we have Sherlock Holmes. I liked it, and i can not wait for the second one, because there has to be one. Watson is amusing, and Holmes is just a bit crazy, but that is what makes him who he is, and i want more. just as a side note, previous to this i have not enjoyed anything to do with sherlock holmes other than the old board game 221b baker street. so that can tell some of you at least how good a a movie i found it to be.
next we have a bloody valentine. and let me tell you, this was a great slasher flick, and probably the best vday movie i have ever seen. the ending was a bit secret windowish, but it was good, and it kept you guessing for longer than it should have due to trickery with the cameras an such, definitely one to buy and watch every vday, a new tradition has been born. i want to see the original as well, the remake was good, but i also like the older movies, so we can watch and compare etc.
the last movie is 9, from my beloved tim burton. he did not write it, or direct it, but he did have some sort of hand it. but it is not one that i will be buying, it was a good onetime watch, and had a descent story to it, but it is not one that i would want to watch again, it is no nightmare.
i guess that 2 out of 3 isn't bad, now i am going to retire to my books, and then watch public enemy and the new halloween, i have been putting it off, but with the second one out i have decided io might as well give it a try, halloween is like my all time fave horror series, so i have to watch this one too, if nothing else just to say that i have.
i am going to leave you with two pieces of trivia you may or may not know. 1 bones was in boogeyman, and 2 bella was in cold creek manor. wonder who did or didnt know that, whatever all, laters.
first we have Sherlock Holmes. I liked it, and i can not wait for the second one, because there has to be one. Watson is amusing, and Holmes is just a bit crazy, but that is what makes him who he is, and i want more. just as a side note, previous to this i have not enjoyed anything to do with sherlock holmes other than the old board game 221b baker street. so that can tell some of you at least how good a a movie i found it to be.
next we have a bloody valentine. and let me tell you, this was a great slasher flick, and probably the best vday movie i have ever seen. the ending was a bit secret windowish, but it was good, and it kept you guessing for longer than it should have due to trickery with the cameras an such, definitely one to buy and watch every vday, a new tradition has been born. i want to see the original as well, the remake was good, but i also like the older movies, so we can watch and compare etc.
the last movie is 9, from my beloved tim burton. he did not write it, or direct it, but he did have some sort of hand it. but it is not one that i will be buying, it was a good onetime watch, and had a descent story to it, but it is not one that i would want to watch again, it is no nightmare.
i guess that 2 out of 3 isn't bad, now i am going to retire to my books, and then watch public enemy and the new halloween, i have been putting it off, but with the second one out i have decided io might as well give it a try, halloween is like my all time fave horror series, so i have to watch this one too, if nothing else just to say that i have.
i am going to leave you with two pieces of trivia you may or may not know. 1 bones was in boogeyman, and 2 bella was in cold creek manor. wonder who did or didnt know that, whatever all, laters.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I have no idea
So , yeah, I am sitting in my office at school, and I am bored, I have no idea what to do now that our major event for this semester is over. some of you are probably going, BORED, shouldn't you be relieved, and please don't get me wrong, I am relieved, but now I have no idea what to put my energies towards. I guess it is time to brainstorm up a new event or something to that nature, but i have no idea what that event should be, so i am just going to continue to eat my dinner, oriental by the way, and wonder what else i could be doing other than this. btw, any ideas would be more than welcome.
so it has been a bust few days, yesterday i had to take my son to Tucson for a quick visit to the dr's office, the appt was supposed to be next week but the doctor is going out of town or something, so they said come today or it will have to wait until march. i did not my baby to wait until march so off we went. then today i got a call from the county clerks office saying 'come to bisbee, we have a check for you, or we could mail it if that would be easier on you.' well mailing is something that they have supposedly done multiple times, and since i had yet to receive a check, i figured i better just go and get it. whatever right, its a 30 minute drive, and i <3 bisbee, so it's all good. and now i am 300$ richer, or i was until i paid that bill that i thought was going to be late, so win-win.
for spring break we have decided to go to phoenix, but not just anywhere there, but to a lake. we got a hotel room right on the lake, it has a kitchenette so that we will safe a bunch of money on food, i can't wait, sucks though that it is still 4 weeks away, i wish it were now. but it will be fun, look for pics on facebook, you now i am pretty good with the pics.
well, i guess that is it for now, i should get going before my counterpart gets in the office and wonders what the hell i am doing, laters all, may you have as productive month as i did last month, and may mine slow down but not to the boring place it is now. nvm, you get the picture i am sure.
so it has been a bust few days, yesterday i had to take my son to Tucson for a quick visit to the dr's office, the appt was supposed to be next week but the doctor is going out of town or something, so they said come today or it will have to wait until march. i did not my baby to wait until march so off we went. then today i got a call from the county clerks office saying 'come to bisbee, we have a check for you, or we could mail it if that would be easier on you.' well mailing is something that they have supposedly done multiple times, and since i had yet to receive a check, i figured i better just go and get it. whatever right, its a 30 minute drive, and i <3 bisbee, so it's all good. and now i am 300$ richer, or i was until i paid that bill that i thought was going to be late, so win-win.
for spring break we have decided to go to phoenix, but not just anywhere there, but to a lake. we got a hotel room right on the lake, it has a kitchenette so that we will safe a bunch of money on food, i can't wait, sucks though that it is still 4 weeks away, i wish it were now. but it will be fun, look for pics on facebook, you now i am pretty good with the pics.
well, i guess that is it for now, i should get going before my counterpart gets in the office and wonders what the hell i am doing, laters all, may you have as productive month as i did last month, and may mine slow down but not to the boring place it is now. nvm, you get the picture i am sure.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Hello out there
just a quick word, i just finished reading this book called shiver, it was amazing, it was uniquely written and ended perfectly. check it out.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
books, books and more books
ok, so as anyone who has read this should know by now, i love to read, and i read ALOT. so to continue with my impromptu book reviews, i thought i would share some on the two newest books i have read.
first is Flirt the new Anita book by LKH. So short, wow, like that book needed more meat to it. but it was a good story, and the situation which she describes at the end of the book, man so fun because i have had that happen. i would love to meet the man who pulled it off, would definately be something to see him, especially if her description of him rings true. but onto the book, well, sorta, i dont want to give it away, i mean it just came out yesterday and not everyone reads like me. so i will say that it is so good, and that the way the characters intermingle is definately interesting, it always is. and that i am a little sad, because (WARNING: SPOILER) there was no vampires, i have missed jean claude and asher, its been a few books since we really got to see them. bring me back to the first reason i strated reading this series, i've always had a thing for vampires.
LKH, at the end of the book says something about how people see the same thing, but yet it is still different, how she always sees it dark, but a friend of hers always see it light and funny. i have to agree, i see the world through a very dark set of glasses, different experiences lead to different ways of seeing things, and LKH and i seem to see things in a similar way, seems interesting that. if i could ever figure out how to truly write what is in my head down i wonder if i could create a world with as many people who are loved as she has. i doubt that we will ever know for sure.
sorry for the aside, now on to the next book, it is a young adult novel, by two new authors, Kami Garcia, and Margaret Stohl. I always wonder how two people can write a book, but maybe one is the ideas and the other is the words, maybe i just need a word person, someone who can navigate my mind and pull out the things that need to go together, and figure it all out. hmmm, something to look into.
anyways, it is called Beautiful Creatures, the title sorta tells you about the book, and yet is oddly lacking, anyways, this book was released in december, and is about a world just like ours, except that in this tiny southern town there is a family of, i don't want to say witches because they are and aren't, lets say magical beings, some good and some bad, or light and dark as they say in the book, and how they end up being exposed to one high school kid, a love story ensues, and a mystery from the past or two. all and all it was a good book, i could put it down unlike others, but its one i will reread. which is going to be a must because they left it way to open, there is going to be another one. now don't get me wrong, i enjoy my series, i love reading about the same characters, and how their lifes progress, but i also like to see the end of a story, to know that life s good, and let it go. this book i wished would have ended, it was good, but i do not know if the characters are strong enough for more, and the only one that is died, so i guess we will see where it goes from here.
lets see, on the subject of series that should have ended, or that need to get sorta towards the end. My first would be Merry Gentry, i love the first 7-8 books, when they are going after the crown of fairy and such, but this lastest one Divine Misdemeanors, i am so not sure about that one. the other onwe ended so strong for me, i would have left the series their, don't misunderstand me, i really want to know more about the characters and such, but it just seemed so perfect, and DM just didn't do it for me. now as for Anita, i don't think you could ever really end Anita, there is just to much going on there, and i am good with that, i know basically the blueprint of the different books, and some are alot alike, but i still enjoy them, its not really the stories there, its the characters, that world is totally alive for me, and because of that i could read it indefinately.
on to a different author, Iris Johansen, good books, like LKH many ise the same blueprint alot, but its fine because it works, she has strong characters, many who you get to see again, and many who you don't, i once tried mapping her characters and how they tangled together, let me tell you not easy but it showed different things, things that i had not noticed before, so it works. now her Eve Duncan story, great characters, but they are strarting to get up there in age, and i would love to see the end of that set. I also would love to see more on Jane and Trevor, i did not like that Jane may be getting a new beau, i liked Trevor, he was one of my faves when it came o her men, though Galen is still number 1.
Ok, to finish off today's insight into different books/authors we are going to bring up Kay Hooper, she is a good author, and her Special Crime Unit has some great stories, they all follow a similar blueprint as well, but hey as i said earlier if it works why change it. which is sorta what she did, she decided to be challenging, and now her latest trilogy blends not only individual stories, but also brings together one big one woven through the others, and so far it works, her newest one was released last month, but i have yet to read it. sad. but i am sure it will be good, what i would really like to see is more to her thief stories, Quinn and his brothers stole my heart as quickly as they did Morgannas, and I want more, on her website she has been saying for years that there will be more to this story, but it just is not happening. this blood trilogy has taken up tons of time i guess, but i have to beg, please, please write more about Quinn.
so i know i said i was going to finish, but it seems i still have more to say, James Rollins and his Sigma team, oh how much I want to read more on them, those are some good books, they make you think, and they teach you things that you may not have known about before. And he is always so good about telling where he gets this and that from, he's amazing. I crave more from him.
And then remember Harry Potter, how we were promised an encyclopedia about the characters, and where they went in the world, what ever happened to that, i want to know the details, anfter the years that were put into that series i need more, i need the end, the same thing goes to twilight's stephanie meyer, even if edward's version never gets written, which would be sad because he is far more interesting a thinker than bella, i still would like to see that encyclopedia for her work as well. they finish things, and such.
oh well, on that note the baby is upset, so now i must really go. May your day be eventful, and your life full of good cheer.
first is Flirt the new Anita book by LKH. So short, wow, like that book needed more meat to it. but it was a good story, and the situation which she describes at the end of the book, man so fun because i have had that happen. i would love to meet the man who pulled it off, would definately be something to see him, especially if her description of him rings true. but onto the book, well, sorta, i dont want to give it away, i mean it just came out yesterday and not everyone reads like me. so i will say that it is so good, and that the way the characters intermingle is definately interesting, it always is. and that i am a little sad, because (WARNING: SPOILER) there was no vampires, i have missed jean claude and asher, its been a few books since we really got to see them. bring me back to the first reason i strated reading this series, i've always had a thing for vampires.
LKH, at the end of the book says something about how people see the same thing, but yet it is still different, how she always sees it dark, but a friend of hers always see it light and funny. i have to agree, i see the world through a very dark set of glasses, different experiences lead to different ways of seeing things, and LKH and i seem to see things in a similar way, seems interesting that. if i could ever figure out how to truly write what is in my head down i wonder if i could create a world with as many people who are loved as she has. i doubt that we will ever know for sure.
sorry for the aside, now on to the next book, it is a young adult novel, by two new authors, Kami Garcia, and Margaret Stohl. I always wonder how two people can write a book, but maybe one is the ideas and the other is the words, maybe i just need a word person, someone who can navigate my mind and pull out the things that need to go together, and figure it all out. hmmm, something to look into.
anyways, it is called Beautiful Creatures, the title sorta tells you about the book, and yet is oddly lacking, anyways, this book was released in december, and is about a world just like ours, except that in this tiny southern town there is a family of, i don't want to say witches because they are and aren't, lets say magical beings, some good and some bad, or light and dark as they say in the book, and how they end up being exposed to one high school kid, a love story ensues, and a mystery from the past or two. all and all it was a good book, i could put it down unlike others, but its one i will reread. which is going to be a must because they left it way to open, there is going to be another one. now don't get me wrong, i enjoy my series, i love reading about the same characters, and how their lifes progress, but i also like to see the end of a story, to know that life s good, and let it go. this book i wished would have ended, it was good, but i do not know if the characters are strong enough for more, and the only one that is died, so i guess we will see where it goes from here.
lets see, on the subject of series that should have ended, or that need to get sorta towards the end. My first would be Merry Gentry, i love the first 7-8 books, when they are going after the crown of fairy and such, but this lastest one Divine Misdemeanors, i am so not sure about that one. the other onwe ended so strong for me, i would have left the series their, don't misunderstand me, i really want to know more about the characters and such, but it just seemed so perfect, and DM just didn't do it for me. now as for Anita, i don't think you could ever really end Anita, there is just to much going on there, and i am good with that, i know basically the blueprint of the different books, and some are alot alike, but i still enjoy them, its not really the stories there, its the characters, that world is totally alive for me, and because of that i could read it indefinately.
on to a different author, Iris Johansen, good books, like LKH many ise the same blueprint alot, but its fine because it works, she has strong characters, many who you get to see again, and many who you don't, i once tried mapping her characters and how they tangled together, let me tell you not easy but it showed different things, things that i had not noticed before, so it works. now her Eve Duncan story, great characters, but they are strarting to get up there in age, and i would love to see the end of that set. I also would love to see more on Jane and Trevor, i did not like that Jane may be getting a new beau, i liked Trevor, he was one of my faves when it came o her men, though Galen is still number 1.
Ok, to finish off today's insight into different books/authors we are going to bring up Kay Hooper, she is a good author, and her Special Crime Unit has some great stories, they all follow a similar blueprint as well, but hey as i said earlier if it works why change it. which is sorta what she did, she decided to be challenging, and now her latest trilogy blends not only individual stories, but also brings together one big one woven through the others, and so far it works, her newest one was released last month, but i have yet to read it. sad. but i am sure it will be good, what i would really like to see is more to her thief stories, Quinn and his brothers stole my heart as quickly as they did Morgannas, and I want more, on her website she has been saying for years that there will be more to this story, but it just is not happening. this blood trilogy has taken up tons of time i guess, but i have to beg, please, please write more about Quinn.
so i know i said i was going to finish, but it seems i still have more to say, James Rollins and his Sigma team, oh how much I want to read more on them, those are some good books, they make you think, and they teach you things that you may not have known about before. And he is always so good about telling where he gets this and that from, he's amazing. I crave more from him.
And then remember Harry Potter, how we were promised an encyclopedia about the characters, and where they went in the world, what ever happened to that, i want to know the details, anfter the years that were put into that series i need more, i need the end, the same thing goes to twilight's stephanie meyer, even if edward's version never gets written, which would be sad because he is far more interesting a thinker than bella, i still would like to see that encyclopedia for her work as well. they finish things, and such.
oh well, on that note the baby is upset, so now i must really go. May your day be eventful, and your life full of good cheer.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hello from Phoenix
ok, so i am in phoenix, attending ASA/ABOR events, man i thought the vfw was exhausting, their not, at least not compared to abor. at the vfw you have the personel things, and that makes it all sorts of interesting. abor does not have that, i thought i was going to die from boredom. horrible but true, the asa meetings are more interesting. thank god. the people are interesting, some are two nice, some are a bit snobby, some are god only knows what, so i guess we will see. i can amuse myself by planning interesting ways of massacring the entire group, or not since that would probably be mean and all. i have to go to a mixer tonight, i so don't want to, but you do what you gotta do. wish me luck, i hate crowds, oh well. time to get ready, laters all.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Just trying something
lets see if this works.
and i could tell you about my semester so far, but i honestly just don't have the time. as an example i will just say that i was away from home for 11 hours yesterday. and then even more depressing, i will be gone for 4 days next week.
well hell, i just remembered that i had a meeting today from 230-4. oh well, i guess it is to late now. sorry andres, if you are out there, my mistake.
laters all
Sunday, January 3, 2010
A new year, but the same old issues
well, it is now three days into 2010. but nothing has really changed, you know. i still have to finish up my degree, and i keep getting sick, which is not normal for me at all. so off to the doctor i will be going soon. i still need to decide if i am going to get a masters degree, or if i am going to go to work, or the busiest choice: do both. and i definately need to go on a diet. i was hoping that 2010 would take me away from here, and to a new place, but my mother is sick, how sick we know not yet, but possibly sick enough to need a transplant in the next year or so. so going from here no longer seems to be an option.
there is always so much to do, and always so much to say to people. i am glad that 2009 is over. we lost many good friends and family last year, and most of them were losses that hit very very close to home. we also lost a lot of not so close friends and associates, and they will alos be missed, just not as painfully i guess.
many people tell me that i am a bit of a cold person, or that i don't handle death the way it was meant to be handeled. i take offense to that. i have had alot of death in my life, and have learned that getting hystirical over it doesn't change anything, so why do it. i grieve in my own way, and it works for me, so i wish that people would lay off. when it is someone that isn't on my important list, for lack of a better word, then it doesn't affect me much, and sadly, and not so sadly, there are not very many people on my important list. this year i lost about a fifth of that list, so it has gotten smaller, which it didn't really need to be, there were only between 20 and 25 people on the list to begin with. but it is the way i live my life, and once you make that list, then you are stuck with me for life, i am one of the most caring people you will ever meet. which is why it is a very short list, there is not enough of me to go around, not enough of me to share with so many people, so i learned long ago to make sure that i kept that list manageable.
anyways, i seem to be going to a deep dark place, and i don't really want to go to that place at the moment, i havn't had a depression for over a year, i don't choose to have one now. so i am off, and if anyone knows a good diet, one that really works, then comment or message me with please. i need some ideas, i hate dieting, but am determined to lose as much wieght this year as is healthy, or maybe a little bit more than that if i am lucky.
there is always so much to do, and always so much to say to people. i am glad that 2009 is over. we lost many good friends and family last year, and most of them were losses that hit very very close to home. we also lost a lot of not so close friends and associates, and they will alos be missed, just not as painfully i guess.
many people tell me that i am a bit of a cold person, or that i don't handle death the way it was meant to be handeled. i take offense to that. i have had alot of death in my life, and have learned that getting hystirical over it doesn't change anything, so why do it. i grieve in my own way, and it works for me, so i wish that people would lay off. when it is someone that isn't on my important list, for lack of a better word, then it doesn't affect me much, and sadly, and not so sadly, there are not very many people on my important list. this year i lost about a fifth of that list, so it has gotten smaller, which it didn't really need to be, there were only between 20 and 25 people on the list to begin with. but it is the way i live my life, and once you make that list, then you are stuck with me for life, i am one of the most caring people you will ever meet. which is why it is a very short list, there is not enough of me to go around, not enough of me to share with so many people, so i learned long ago to make sure that i kept that list manageable.
anyways, i seem to be going to a deep dark place, and i don't really want to go to that place at the moment, i havn't had a depression for over a year, i don't choose to have one now. so i am off, and if anyone knows a good diet, one that really works, then comment or message me with please. i need some ideas, i hate dieting, but am determined to lose as much wieght this year as is healthy, or maybe a little bit more than that if i am lucky.
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