I hope everyone had a great Christmas, Yule, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, or whatever it is that you celebrate. and soon it will be a new year, that will be nice, because this year has been crazy. i hope this upcoming one is a bit slower paced, though if it is i may just lose my mind in it all. you just never know. or maybe i am just never happy. i hopeful though.
does anyone watch the hgtv dreamhouse, i do, every year. i never win though. but this years is in sante fe, that would be awesome, it is one of the nicest places to live. at least in my opinion, i am a desert rat afterall.
oh well, not in such a mood to write as i thought, so i am off. have a great new years party
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
ok, life is good. my tests are all done. and all of my papers are turned in. i am so very very glad. this semester has been hell, and there was no reason for it to be. but alas, what will be, will be. now it is time for the christmas rush. cleaning, cooking, wrapping, visiting. etc etc.
then next semester i have more work, more classes, and i have to either find a job or apply to graduate school. scary thoughts right. hopefully things go my way, the way that i want them to go that is. the only problem with that is that i am not quite sure which way i want them to go. i guess we will see. i will either go one way and not be really love it and know i choice correctly, or i will go one way and really hate it and know that i should have gone the other path, hopefully if that happens i will be able to backtrack.
so i just started reading a new author, gena showalter. i have started with her atlantis series, which is really really good, and then she has a few others so we shall we were we go. i will keep you all informed as to whether it is amazing or not. i have also started watching the inal season of inuyasha, finally they are going to end it. i hope they stick close to the manga, the end of inuyasha there was good, though i hope they end the anime with a kiss, it is all that was missing.
since we are talking about manga now, i will say that i am not liking the way that vampire knight is going, i think it should have been ended at the school, its all wierd now, and i am just not enjoying it the way that i used to. wild ones ended pretty good, them together and happy after 10 volumes, i am glad that she didn't keep going it was not necassary. ouran is off in some strange place as well, but i think it is starting to wind down, which is good, because it is about time, and then maybe the mangaka can go back to millenium snow, i understand why she left it, but i would really like to know more about those characters. and last but not least is nana, i hope the mangaka gets better soon, because if this story isn't finished i will cry, it is to good and i am too into it to not have it finished.
ok, that is all that is on my mind for now, as always i will return when i can return. until then take care my friends.
then next semester i have more work, more classes, and i have to either find a job or apply to graduate school. scary thoughts right. hopefully things go my way, the way that i want them to go that is. the only problem with that is that i am not quite sure which way i want them to go. i guess we will see. i will either go one way and not be really love it and know i choice correctly, or i will go one way and really hate it and know that i should have gone the other path, hopefully if that happens i will be able to backtrack.
so i just started reading a new author, gena showalter. i have started with her atlantis series, which is really really good, and then she has a few others so we shall we were we go. i will keep you all informed as to whether it is amazing or not. i have also started watching the inal season of inuyasha, finally they are going to end it. i hope they stick close to the manga, the end of inuyasha there was good, though i hope they end the anime with a kiss, it is all that was missing.
since we are talking about manga now, i will say that i am not liking the way that vampire knight is going, i think it should have been ended at the school, its all wierd now, and i am just not enjoying it the way that i used to. wild ones ended pretty good, them together and happy after 10 volumes, i am glad that she didn't keep going it was not necassary. ouran is off in some strange place as well, but i think it is starting to wind down, which is good, because it is about time, and then maybe the mangaka can go back to millenium snow, i understand why she left it, but i would really like to know more about those characters. and last but not least is nana, i hope the mangaka gets better soon, because if this story isn't finished i will cry, it is to good and i am too into it to not have it finished.
ok, that is all that is on my mind for now, as always i will return when i can return. until then take care my friends.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
time goes by very quickly does it not. december is here, i am in my last week of classes, and then it will be christmas, then with a little bit of relaxation time, i will be ready for next semester. originally i was planning to do an internship in bisbee az. but i do not think that i will be able to do it. 5 classes plus 150 hours in 16 weeks may not sound like a lot, but it really is. particularly when you have 2 kids. i have missed my kids this semester, so next semester is going to be 3 online classes that i am a bit nervous about, becaue i do not have the strength of will for online classes most of the time. i am a horrible procratinator, i know this, so i go to real classes, because it motivates me better than staring at a computer screen. next semester however i will have my children to motivate me, i pray that it will be enough.
so i finished reading the meredith gentry series by LKH last night, all but divine misdeameanors because it did not come out until today, but with any luck i will have it in my hands by 9pm tonight. anyways, they wer great, different from anita, but still quite good. i think anita is probably a bit jealous of merry, because her men are a bit easier to handle. but both series have a pull that only some authors can give. the worlds that she has created are quite real, and they linger with you. it makes me wonder whether i would have that ability if i ever tried to write a story. something else to look into i guess.
well, i do believe that this is enough procrastinating at this moment, so i will go and do another paper, or maybe some research for a final project, whatever it is, it is necassary to have done this morning, and being here will not accomplish that.
until laters my luvs
so i finished reading the meredith gentry series by LKH last night, all but divine misdeameanors because it did not come out until today, but with any luck i will have it in my hands by 9pm tonight. anyways, they wer great, different from anita, but still quite good. i think anita is probably a bit jealous of merry, because her men are a bit easier to handle. but both series have a pull that only some authors can give. the worlds that she has created are quite real, and they linger with you. it makes me wonder whether i would have that ability if i ever tried to write a story. something else to look into i guess.
well, i do believe that this is enough procrastinating at this moment, so i will go and do another paper, or maybe some research for a final project, whatever it is, it is necassary to have done this morning, and being here will not accomplish that.
until laters my luvs
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Janet you were one of my closest friends. You were a great a person to be around, and my son is named after your husband. You passed away this morning after fighting a good fight against brain cancer for over a year, and you will be sorely missed. With you goes another piece of my soul, at least I know it is in a good place. You have my love for now and always, RIP.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Happy Late Thanksgiving
Okay, I know that I havn't written very often, not like i said i would, but it has been a very very busy month. went out of town for thanksgiving, i hope all of yours were as awesome as mine was. and i spent alot of time talking with my teacher, now i am reviewing all of my options. were i want to work on my masters, if i even want to work on my masters, or if i want to get a job. it ought to be quite interesting. anyways, off i go to look at my options. don't be surprised if you find lists starting to appear, i need somewhere to post and compare them. and feel free to comment if you do so choose.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
i so do not need the drama
ok, so today i did a baking day with some friends. one of these friends i do not get to see very often, and the other one i try not to see too often, because she is all about the drama. but i sucked it up today, and we did pretty good, i only snapped her a few times. not to bad, especially for me, i am not nearly as patient as i should be. but then i got her home, and am happily relaxing, when she calls in tears because her husband yelled at her because she was complaining about her MIL again. i cant blame him, there is only so much one can take. and she can wear on the nerves a bit. she is nice, sometimes i just can't deal with the drama, my fault not hers i guess.
anyways, the baking went great. two different recipes fo bread for thanksgiving, and a 3 different cookie recipes, i'm happy, now i just have to deal with a whole day of baking on wendsday, but its all good, compared to the driving it is going to be a sinch. the driving is a bitch for a different day. i may post the recipes after thanksgiving, see how the family likes them.
night y'all
anyways, the baking went great. two different recipes fo bread for thanksgiving, and a 3 different cookie recipes, i'm happy, now i just have to deal with a whole day of baking on wendsday, but its all good, compared to the driving it is going to be a sinch. the driving is a bitch for a different day. i may post the recipes after thanksgiving, see how the family likes them.
night y'all
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Balloons 2
alright pics up from this morning on facebook, i <3<3<3<3<3 the hot air balloons, one of these days i'll actually go up in one i swear it.
Friday, November 13, 2009
It sucks, the weather was to bad for the hot air balloons to go up today, hopefully tomorrow it will be better. wish us good weather, i will be very disappointed if we get no hot air balloons this year.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
ok, so today is going to be small. no soap box moments i swear. i'm just waiting for the new naruto chapter to come out, and a few new episdoes of various animes. if i kept up better i wouldn't have to play catch up with the whole dl thing. but its all good i guess, its all fun anyways. remember to always buy your anime/manga if you can, without those who create we would not have it. hears to some awesome japanese stuff. luv u all
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veterans Day
Happy Veterans Day, today i am going to have a soapbox moment, consider yourselves forwarned.
I wish to say thank you to all of the veterans out there, in all of thier countries. anyone who is fighting for their freedom, and for ours and our allies. Thank you to all of the families that have lost loved ones through out the years, your sacrifice and thiers is more than anyone should ask for. yet our country has to ask, because with out men and women brave enough to go and fight for freedom, there wouldn't be freedom. i appreciate, and my family, and everyone of my friends appreciate what you do, have done, or will do for us, and for our freedom, and our home. THANK YOU!!!
and to all of you people out there, who think that our troops are murderers, who can't stand behind them, even though they are protected your freedom as well as ours, shame on you. you shouldn't be able to look yourselves in the mirror, and you should have to go and fight for your own freedoms. as the saying goes, if you don't stand behind our troops, then please go and stand in front of them. without them your life would be much different and most likely much worst than it is today, and you should take a minute to think on this, and to realize that you are wrong, they are not.
God Bless America, the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
I am proud and astonished to be an American, and no matter what happens, this country will always be the best to me.
once again, Thank You Veterans for your service, for all that you do, and all that you give up, for this great country, and for the freedom that she represents.
I wish to say thank you to all of the veterans out there, in all of thier countries. anyone who is fighting for their freedom, and for ours and our allies. Thank you to all of the families that have lost loved ones through out the years, your sacrifice and thiers is more than anyone should ask for. yet our country has to ask, because with out men and women brave enough to go and fight for freedom, there wouldn't be freedom. i appreciate, and my family, and everyone of my friends appreciate what you do, have done, or will do for us, and for our freedom, and our home. THANK YOU!!!
and to all of you people out there, who think that our troops are murderers, who can't stand behind them, even though they are protected your freedom as well as ours, shame on you. you shouldn't be able to look yourselves in the mirror, and you should have to go and fight for your own freedoms. as the saying goes, if you don't stand behind our troops, then please go and stand in front of them. without them your life would be much different and most likely much worst than it is today, and you should take a minute to think on this, and to realize that you are wrong, they are not.
God Bless America, the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
I am proud and astonished to be an American, and no matter what happens, this country will always be the best to me.
once again, Thank You Veterans for your service, for all that you do, and all that you give up, for this great country, and for the freedom that she represents.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
vending machines and sign language
wierd title right, but it is my day today. first i went to a meeting with those who wish to put vending machines on or campus, i think it was a very good meeting, and i hope to see new and much improved machines on campus quite soon. with 'gasp' real food, not just junk. it will be a nice change. then later this afternoon i have my asl class, and when i am done wiht this i am going to work on more of my asl homework. watch the dvd, and make sure that i have it all done, double check, maybe i will glean a bit more understanding from it than i already have.
before all of that though i have a bit of research to do for my mom, so off i go for that. i need the address of the fisher house, if you don;t know what that is, lets just say that it is a great thing that helps our troops, and if you need more than google it. google is a wonderous thing. until the next time then.
before all of that though i have a bit of research to do for my mom, so off i go for that. i need the address of the fisher house, if you don;t know what that is, lets just say that it is a great thing that helps our troops, and if you need more than google it. google is a wonderous thing. until the next time then.
Monday, November 9, 2009
lets see
well, so far i have had nothing really interesting happen, so i really have nothing to post about. well, i did send an apology letter to some old friends, because it was time i said sorry to them. and i should be getting the keys to my shared office in a few hours, i could have them now, but there are issues with the paperwork. it will be worked out by the end of the day i hope. there is someone else waiting for me to work it out as well, but there is nothing i can do until my advisor gets back, so we will have to wait. i have decided that i am going to do some work. finish up the smaller papers for one of my classes, and start on the big paper for another. plus i have some research to do on some projects i am looking into. so i guess we will see where that leads us. laters all.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
ok, yesterday was a really good meeting, but i wish we could have spent more time and gotten more done, i know people have families, i have one as well, but sometimes things are going to run over, and i think that we need to be ready for that, and that those with families should take the extra time, and plan for it. if we don't need it great, but if we do then at least it would be there. there is alot we have to work on, and it is going to take alot of time. i look forward to the other ideas people are going to bring to the table, i know i have a few as well. friday is our next work session, and after that we will be able to work on things on our own, which will be great, though we will still be out and about, and still have two meetings a month, at least. it ought to be interesting. and fun, i definately think it will be fun. until the next time.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
silly me, yesterday i had worked out this interesting post on the shootings in texas, which is stupid and ridiculous, and how my bbq went, but i never quite got around to posting it, and i really don't want to go on about how murder is still murder no matter what the cause, or how you should only kill in self-defense, etc, etc. but i will say that the bbq was great, i got to meet alot of interesting and amazing people, and only one of them made me want to smack them so thats not bad at all. today i have a meeting, and we will try not to miss anymore days this month, i am annoyed that i missed yesterday, especially when i knew what to write about, anyways, laters all
Thursday, November 5, 2009
procrastination bites me in the ass
not always, but sometimes, yesterday was one of those times. i watched all of the deathnote movies, they are all very good btw, though i will not be buying the L one. but i did not do my homework, so this morning i woke up early and started my work, not a problem except that it took almost 4 hours to do a 2 page paper, that paper chewed me up and then spit me out, by the time i was done with it, i had to chose which of my reamaining assignments to do. so this is the lesson we have learned today, never out off till tomorrow that which you can do today. i wonder how long it will stick this time, i'm betting on 2 days. lol. now off to school i go
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
to do or not to do, that is the question
ok, so my husband has been delivering phonebooks this month, it is an interesting job, it takes a lot of gas, and alot of time, and doesn't pay nearly what it is worth, but it is money coming in, and right now we desperately need that. now we got the last route in today, and it is a doozy, lots of books and places all over the dang place, so i have been mapping it out, makes life easier a bit for my man you know, but i really don't want to deal with it atm, i should go grocery shopping, but i don't really want to do that either. to be hinest i don't want to do much of anything today. its my day off, i should be using it to do homework, but other than that i don't want to do a damn thing. i want to watch the deathnote movies, i have all 3 of them sitting in front of me. they are calling to me, but if i sit down to watch them then the whole world will fall apart, you just watch. everyone will flip out, and say that we are wasting time, or that there is a million other things we should be doing, but its not always about what you should be doing, sometimes its about what yo want to do. because what you want to do my safe whats left of your sanity for the day, where everything else is just going to take it away. life should not always have to be running on full throttle, sometimes you need to slow down and watch the landscape go by through the windows, maybe even stop and walk around for a bit. i think thats what i am going to do today. i will slow down by dropping my to do list to nothing other than the groceries, we need to eat right? and then i will come home and watch my movies. thanks, this has been most enlightening.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
day 3
ok, this is going to be a short post, why, because i have 3 papers to write and a bunch of asl homework to do all in the next 4 hours. lucky me, but my kid still needs help finishing up the turkey, so i need to have my shit together before he gets home from school. i have figured out the turkey though, so it will be awesome if it turns out the way i see it in my head. thats it for today, tomorrow is my day off, so hopefully more then. byes
Monday, November 2, 2009
we are going to give it the old college try
ok, so i am going to try to write...type.....this blog everyday for the month of november. idk whether i can do it or not, but i will try. i personally don't think that my life is interesting enough for a daily post, but i also don't see what it will hurt, so why not right. right.
so i am thinking of writing a fiction book, i doubt it will be worth anything, or ever come completely together for that matter, but there are many things trapped in my head, so i might as well free them somewhere. it will probably be more like an idea journal than an actual book, but we will see where it takes us i guess. i may even put some real things down, things that have happened to me and that i dwell on, i have been told that i have lived a unique life in my 26 years, i wouldn't know, its just my life, but i am a strange creature, maybe someone would enjoy reading or learning about my story, i guess we will just have to wait and see.
so my husband and i marathoned trinity blood lat night and into this morning, it had been a few years since i watched that anime, but i really enjoy it, and i hope that it goes someplace else later, when i am done with this i am going to look up the manga, i have parts of it, but not all of it and am curious to see where the story goes. i used to have the novels, but i had to sell them, needless to say i am regretting that decision. but you do what you have to do.
my son brought home a tukey, that we are supposed to sit down and decorate as a family, it has been interesting trying to decide how to make it unique to our family, but i think we have figured it out. when we are done i will try to remember to take pics and post them, if not here then on facebook.
mentioning facebook made me remember that i don't really post pics to my myspace, i just prefer facebook, not sure why exactly, i just do. its not so kid infested maybe, idk, if i figure it our i will share.
ok, i guess thats it for now, if i write a ton today i may have nothing for tomorrow
so i am thinking of writing a fiction book, i doubt it will be worth anything, or ever come completely together for that matter, but there are many things trapped in my head, so i might as well free them somewhere. it will probably be more like an idea journal than an actual book, but we will see where it takes us i guess. i may even put some real things down, things that have happened to me and that i dwell on, i have been told that i have lived a unique life in my 26 years, i wouldn't know, its just my life, but i am a strange creature, maybe someone would enjoy reading or learning about my story, i guess we will just have to wait and see.
so my husband and i marathoned trinity blood lat night and into this morning, it had been a few years since i watched that anime, but i really enjoy it, and i hope that it goes someplace else later, when i am done with this i am going to look up the manga, i have parts of it, but not all of it and am curious to see where the story goes. i used to have the novels, but i had to sell them, needless to say i am regretting that decision. but you do what you have to do.
my son brought home a tukey, that we are supposed to sit down and decorate as a family, it has been interesting trying to decide how to make it unique to our family, but i think we have figured it out. when we are done i will try to remember to take pics and post them, if not here then on facebook.
mentioning facebook made me remember that i don't really post pics to my myspace, i just prefer facebook, not sure why exactly, i just do. its not so kid infested maybe, idk, if i figure it our i will share.
ok, i guess thats it for now, if i write a ton today i may have nothing for tomorrow
Sunday, November 1, 2009
ok, so yesterday was the best day of the year, lol, well at least my fave day of the year. we were busy as always, we did the thing at the mall, the thing in the park, of course we did the awesome trick or treat thing, that we did with my friend heather, her husband, her son and a friend of hers named Sai, that may be spelled wrong, i just do not know. but it was great, i don't get to see miss heather very often, she lives in bisbee, which is only 30 miles away, but with no working car, that is a long way. in a few weeks we are going to get together to do some baking for thanksgiving, that should be a blast, maybe i will post some recipes if they turn out all amazing.
anyways, the best part of the day yesterday, was what we did after the kids went to the grandmoms house, we went on a ghost hunt, now i can't tell you where, because i have been sworn to secrecy, the group we went with is the first group to ever be allowed to investigate this place, but it was amazing. a good friend of mine is the 'medium' and dang, they do depend on her alot, whether what she says is true or not i leave up to others to decide, but there are times she is astonishingly close, especially if she doesn't know going in what has happened where. there were a few places where i was picking things up, so it made for an interesting night. sometimes feeling a bit more than others can be a pain in the ass, but it is what it is and we all learn to adjust, right. right. anyways, after that we went and walked around the cemetary for a few hours, trying to find one of the relatives of someone who was with us, we didn't find it, but it still made for an interesting night. it was not the first night that i had wandered this particular cemetary, nor will it be the last i am sure.
anyways, that is my day in a nut shell, photos will be posted on facebook as per the usual, so if your interested check there.
heres hoping your life is as interesting as mine can sometimes be!!!
anyways, the best part of the day yesterday, was what we did after the kids went to the grandmoms house, we went on a ghost hunt, now i can't tell you where, because i have been sworn to secrecy, the group we went with is the first group to ever be allowed to investigate this place, but it was amazing. a good friend of mine is the 'medium' and dang, they do depend on her alot, whether what she says is true or not i leave up to others to decide, but there are times she is astonishingly close, especially if she doesn't know going in what has happened where. there were a few places where i was picking things up, so it made for an interesting night. sometimes feeling a bit more than others can be a pain in the ass, but it is what it is and we all learn to adjust, right. right. anyways, after that we went and walked around the cemetary for a few hours, trying to find one of the relatives of someone who was with us, we didn't find it, but it still made for an interesting night. it was not the first night that i had wandered this particular cemetary, nor will it be the last i am sure.
anyways, that is my day in a nut shell, photos will be posted on facebook as per the usual, so if your interested check there.
heres hoping your life is as interesting as mine can sometimes be!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Mistake number one
well, as any of you who have read my blog over the past few weeks knows, i am now VP for ASUAS, i am happy to be it, but tonight i made my first mistake, not a bigone really, but i feel bad anyways. there was a meeting i should have attend this evening, but i didn't know about it until after it had already started, i don't check my email as often as i should it seems. so i will start doing so, and hopefully this will not happen again.
now does anyone have any idea how to get me to tucson next friday for a bbq, i should really go, but my car is dead. if you have any ideas, let me know.
i hope you all have a safe and happy halloween, i know mine is going to be amazing.
until the next time
now does anyone have any idea how to get me to tucson next friday for a bbq, i should really go, but my car is dead. if you have any ideas, let me know.
i hope you all have a safe and happy halloween, i know mine is going to be amazing.
until the next time
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Homework....or lack off
Ok, so to be honest the only reason i am typing here at the moment is because i am putting off doing my homework. i am one of the worst procrastornators on the planet. i always wait till the last minute, but i have a great gpa, so i guess it works for me. it makes me wonder though, if i actually put all of my efforts into my work rather than the 50-70% that i usually put into it, where would i be. but lets be honest, i am so never gonna do that. i am a rather lazy creature.
anyways as promised i am now going to show my two favorite online games, well, they are sorta games. you'll see i guess.
first we have superpoke pets. i have a kitty there, and i spend far to much time buying stuff for said kitty. here is a screenshot.

Ok, three. as you can see thereare all types of things you can buy and use to set up all types of habitats. i find this rather addicting. sad but true.
the other online game i go, is out of japan, it is called poupee girl. and its basically a doll you can dress up, but the clothes are just amazing. here is a screenshot of that one. and yes, it will only be one this time.

OK, now with this one you have a bit off control over the background of your actual bedroom, but other than that you don't get to chose where you are. they have events, and those put you whereever they want you.
alright i guess i should finish dinner and then get to my homework. laters all.
anyways as promised i am now going to show my two favorite online games, well, they are sorta games. you'll see i guess.
first we have superpoke pets. i have a kitty there, and i spend far to much time buying stuff for said kitty. here is a screenshot.

Ok, three. as you can see thereare all types of things you can buy and use to set up all types of habitats. i find this rather addicting. sad but true.
the other online game i go, is out of japan, it is called poupee girl. and its basically a doll you can dress up, but the clothes are just amazing. here is a screenshot of that one. and yes, it will only be one this time.

OK, now with this one you have a bit off control over the background of your actual bedroom, but other than that you don't get to chose where you are. they have events, and those put you whereever they want you.
alright i guess i should finish dinner and then get to my homework. laters all.
Monday, October 19, 2009
ok, so it has been busy the last few weeks, note why thier was no new entry for awhile. first, my friend kary came to visit, it was nice though short. her life seems to be going in a good way, so hopefully it will continue to do so.
then last week was fall break for my oldest, so lots and lots of entertaining to do. we decorated the front yard for halloween. we built haunted houses, and we watched lots and lots of cartoons. we also delivered phone books, because that is what we are doing to help ease the money situation atm. it is so not fun.
i have reread the entire anita blake series again, as well as kay hoopers men of mysteries past and quinn series. for those ofyou in the know, they are basically the same, quinn is men of mysteries past reworked. i can't wait for her to write more, she keeps promising, yet nothing has come out of it. sad. and last night i finished a new read by richard laymon, blood games, it was great. alot of his stuff is sufficeintly twisted to the point where it either disgusts you, or creeps you out in such a way that you can't stop reading even though there are definately times when you want to. but this one was just a great read, it has a definate creep factor especially towards the end. but it also keeps you laughing with the past exploits of the characters. i would love to hear anybody elses thoughts on it. now i am going to start reading the lost symbol by dan brown, i have been waiting for my mil to finish it so i can read it. i liked both of the other Robert Langdon books, though unlike most of america, or the world for that matter i preferred Angels and Demons to The Da Vinci Code. and to be honest for this type of novel i enjoy james rollins sigma force books more, but brown is still a decsent read. after i finish this one, i believe i am going to start LKH's Meredith Gentry novels, i havn't read them yet, and have been lucky enough to get my hands on them. so we will see whether it is anita or laurells writing that i enjoy so much.
onto a new topic, i am now UAS student Vice President. yay me, i know that i applied for president, so when i didn't get it i was a bit disappointed, but upon thinking about it, i think vp is better, i already have alot on my plate. vfw, two kids + husband, being a full-time sometimes a full time+ student, i think that not having quite that much more to do is proably best. so i just thougt i would share that bit of good news, and now it is time for me to retire, i still have to play with my pets and dolls, one of these days i will get around to posting all of my stragne little online things, and i still need to catch up to my web comics as well, always so much to do.
until the next time then.
then last week was fall break for my oldest, so lots and lots of entertaining to do. we decorated the front yard for halloween. we built haunted houses, and we watched lots and lots of cartoons. we also delivered phone books, because that is what we are doing to help ease the money situation atm. it is so not fun.
i have reread the entire anita blake series again, as well as kay hoopers men of mysteries past and quinn series. for those ofyou in the know, they are basically the same, quinn is men of mysteries past reworked. i can't wait for her to write more, she keeps promising, yet nothing has come out of it. sad. and last night i finished a new read by richard laymon, blood games, it was great. alot of his stuff is sufficeintly twisted to the point where it either disgusts you, or creeps you out in such a way that you can't stop reading even though there are definately times when you want to. but this one was just a great read, it has a definate creep factor especially towards the end. but it also keeps you laughing with the past exploits of the characters. i would love to hear anybody elses thoughts on it. now i am going to start reading the lost symbol by dan brown, i have been waiting for my mil to finish it so i can read it. i liked both of the other Robert Langdon books, though unlike most of america, or the world for that matter i preferred Angels and Demons to The Da Vinci Code. and to be honest for this type of novel i enjoy james rollins sigma force books more, but brown is still a decsent read. after i finish this one, i believe i am going to start LKH's Meredith Gentry novels, i havn't read them yet, and have been lucky enough to get my hands on them. so we will see whether it is anita or laurells writing that i enjoy so much.
onto a new topic, i am now UAS student Vice President. yay me, i know that i applied for president, so when i didn't get it i was a bit disappointed, but upon thinking about it, i think vp is better, i already have alot on my plate. vfw, two kids + husband, being a full-time sometimes a full time+ student, i think that not having quite that much more to do is proably best. so i just thougt i would share that bit of good news, and now it is time for me to retire, i still have to play with my pets and dolls, one of these days i will get around to posting all of my stragne little online things, and i still need to catch up to my web comics as well, always so much to do.
until the next time then.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Just had to say Happy October, Happy Fall!!!
My favorite season, and my favorite month, soon it will be my favorite holiday. life is good!
My favorite season, and my favorite month, soon it will be my favorite holiday. life is good!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Ok, so my husband is trying to go back into the Marine Corps, after being out for less than a year. But it is not going well, it should not be so damn difficult to do, everybody including the recruiter keeps telling us this. but something keeps cropping up here and there. its like fate, for whatever reason doesn't want him back in. but there are no jobs around where we live, and we can't afford to move so it is the military or it is nothing. i am exceedingly frustrated and annoyed at this point. now he needs a physical, another one. and we can not find someone who is willing to do it with in a decsent time frame. we really need it done before the first of october, and yes i know that is in two days, but we have been dealing with this shit for like a month or more now, so it is just arrrrr. its not like we have waited to the last minute. he already had a physical done, now he needs a second one. ok, i am done venting for the moment. i guess we will know later wether i will need to vent again.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Free Education
so i wonder how many people have noticed that free public education is so not free. you have supplies and such to buy, which is not an issue, but can still add up. then you have those teachers that just put all of the kids supplies into an everyone can use place. yes it is easier to deal with when there is just a big bag of crayons or markers, and you get rid of the whole "he has my blue crayon" type of thing. but then you have those kids who are just plain destructive, so they end up breaking or wasting more crayons than your average student, then when replacements are asked for it seems unfair for some people. there child didn't waste 24 crayons, but yet they are having to replace them anyways, when they wouldn't have had to had each student been allowed their own pencil box with there own supplies. but then you start with the whole my crayoins are better than your crayons type of thing, and sadly, even in second grade there are children who are looking to see if they have the best clothes, backpack etc.
then you have to deal with all of the fundraisers, and the book orders, and you always have to get at least one thing, because if you don't then your kid gets picked on. school sucks for kids that get picked on, i remember at times i was one of the ones getting picked on, but then again who wasn't. needless to say, the free education in this country costs alot of money. you think it would be better than it is. awe well, such is life i guess.
i just thought i would complain for a bit, because there are times when i think i spend more money on my sons education than i do on my own. and considering i go to one of the top universities in the country that is saying something.
speaking of education i have a test tonight, i am not really looking forward to it. it is online, and lasts about 2 1/2 hours. the nice thing about it being online is that it is definately an open book exam. the bad part is that this is my first time with this teacher, and i am not entirely sure what to expect of her tests, i would be happier with a paper and pen. what can i say i am an old fashioned type of person when it comes to schooling. never been much for online classes. or books, when i read i want to have something in my hands, i want to feel the pages turning, not just stare at the screen of a computer or a kindle. yet knowing how much easier it is to aquire books for a kindle, no driving and all that. i have a feeling that i am going to be getting one of those for myself. and if nothing else when i travel i won't have to plan my clothes around my books anymore. idk about you guys, but i tend to read at least one book a day, sometimes more, and that is not including all of the reading i have to do for my classes. when traveling for a week or more, i end up having either a bad of nothing but books, or i reread a few faves. and then when i get desperate i buy books while on trips, then i have to figure out how to get those home. for traveling a kindle would be very convenient, screen or no screen.
i can't wait for halloween, though i have no idea what i am going to be this year. i was hoping for a really pretty mideval dress, something a noble would wear, but i just don't think i am going to have the money or a costume this year. which means i am going to have to dig through my closet for something i can recycle. i guess we will see. i did manage to get the boys costumes already, the oldest is going to be Wolverine, and the youngest will be a skelebear. i know it was early to get costumes, but i had to get them while i had money, that way i knew they would be taken care of.
speaking of money, i am still looking for a job, i have more applications to put in tonight when i am done with my test. though i still wonder when i will sleep if i am working nights, being a wife/mom during the mornings and some afternoons, and going to school during the rest of the afternoons and evenings. and lets not forget the volunteering that i do for the VFW, or the fact that in the next few days i will be interviewing for the job of president for my university. damn, when i write down all that i do i wonder where the time comes from, surely there are more than 24 hours in a day. oh well, i guess i will always be busy, busy is better than not busy, because when i am not busy i get lazy, and lazy is bad.
ok, it is now time for me to go and take that test i mentioned earlier, wish me luck, i tend to like A's in my classes so i can use a little luck.
then you have to deal with all of the fundraisers, and the book orders, and you always have to get at least one thing, because if you don't then your kid gets picked on. school sucks for kids that get picked on, i remember at times i was one of the ones getting picked on, but then again who wasn't. needless to say, the free education in this country costs alot of money. you think it would be better than it is. awe well, such is life i guess.
i just thought i would complain for a bit, because there are times when i think i spend more money on my sons education than i do on my own. and considering i go to one of the top universities in the country that is saying something.
speaking of education i have a test tonight, i am not really looking forward to it. it is online, and lasts about 2 1/2 hours. the nice thing about it being online is that it is definately an open book exam. the bad part is that this is my first time with this teacher, and i am not entirely sure what to expect of her tests, i would be happier with a paper and pen. what can i say i am an old fashioned type of person when it comes to schooling. never been much for online classes. or books, when i read i want to have something in my hands, i want to feel the pages turning, not just stare at the screen of a computer or a kindle. yet knowing how much easier it is to aquire books for a kindle, no driving and all that. i have a feeling that i am going to be getting one of those for myself. and if nothing else when i travel i won't have to plan my clothes around my books anymore. idk about you guys, but i tend to read at least one book a day, sometimes more, and that is not including all of the reading i have to do for my classes. when traveling for a week or more, i end up having either a bad of nothing but books, or i reread a few faves. and then when i get desperate i buy books while on trips, then i have to figure out how to get those home. for traveling a kindle would be very convenient, screen or no screen.
i can't wait for halloween, though i have no idea what i am going to be this year. i was hoping for a really pretty mideval dress, something a noble would wear, but i just don't think i am going to have the money or a costume this year. which means i am going to have to dig through my closet for something i can recycle. i guess we will see. i did manage to get the boys costumes already, the oldest is going to be Wolverine, and the youngest will be a skelebear. i know it was early to get costumes, but i had to get them while i had money, that way i knew they would be taken care of.
speaking of money, i am still looking for a job, i have more applications to put in tonight when i am done with my test. though i still wonder when i will sleep if i am working nights, being a wife/mom during the mornings and some afternoons, and going to school during the rest of the afternoons and evenings. and lets not forget the volunteering that i do for the VFW, or the fact that in the next few days i will be interviewing for the job of president for my university. damn, when i write down all that i do i wonder where the time comes from, surely there are more than 24 hours in a day. oh well, i guess i will always be busy, busy is better than not busy, because when i am not busy i get lazy, and lazy is bad.
ok, it is now time for me to go and take that test i mentioned earlier, wish me luck, i tend to like A's in my classes so i can use a little luck.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
ok, as of my last post i was going hunting for a ghosttown i had yet to visit, and lucky me i found it. i think it is definately one of the better ones i have visited. it was so not that difficult to find either. though admittedly, if you didn't have at least a vague sense of where you needed to go, and if you were not good with directions, it would definately be easy to get lost in the middle of nowhere. and being so close to mexico, its not the savest place in the world either, especially after dark.
now i ready to go to a new one, which with any luck i will get to in october, i may have found another non related thing that i have to do in the area. and hey, if you have to do something you don't like, you might as well do something you like with it right. this new town is called bumblebee, and is supposed to be very well preserved mainly due to the fact that someone had tried to turn it into a tourist attraction. that failed, but it has kept the buildings in descent repair. for today though i think i may go to the lake, nothing better than to be able to go and cool off, and spend the day wih the family. especially since i have not been feeling too well the last few days. gotta make sure that i don't get sick. so figuring out the whole sleep thing has not been easy.
i may be getting a job in the next few weeks, not really what i want, but what i need. my life is always so busy, if i do get a JOB, i am not at all sure where i will get sleep, but hey i guess it will work out, it usually does. so long as my grades stay up then all is well.
until next time i suppose. maybe something amazing will happen between now and then, you never know
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Surprise!!! Surprise!!!!
Ok, so it has been an interesting few weeks. first let me tell you how surprised i was when i got a friend request from author James Rollins. i had become a fan of his books on facebook, and then like a day latter he requested to be my friend, i know this is probably an unimportant thing to most of you people out there, but hey, it was sorta shocking to me. open up facebook and what do i see, a friend request from the author who at the moment tops my list. not bad, not bad at all.
on to more important things, i have after much consideration decided to apply for president at my university, i know, i know, who would ever have thought that i would want to deal with something like that, i know i never did. but hey, its a good oppurtunity, and it sounds intersting, plus it will look damn good on a resume if i ever decide to actually try and find a job. one of these days i will work, really i will. i keep telling my self that, who knows maybe one day it will actually happen. though to be honest if i could get one of my "dream jobs" i would have no issues working.
ok; just in case anyone out there reading this wants to know, maybe they want to offer my a job *winks* my dream jobs are:
*being a tour guide. yes i know, this may seem strange to you, but i really love history, and the best way to experince it is in action, at the location, just i don't know, put books just aren't the way to go for me. plus i love to travel
*being a research assitant. especially for a really awesome author *nudges James Rollins* it wousl be interesting to look up all the different aspects of something, and then help incorporate it into a great story, especially if part of doing this research invovles visiting some of the places that will be written about. as i said previously, i love traveling.
*working in a museum. ok, this is probably the more mundane of my "dream jobs" but its the one that i actually plan to work towards, it would be interesting to help set up displays about things that i also find interesting. put what i consider to be important info out for others to see.
i do not want to be a teacher, the only way i would teach is to be on a college level. i do not deal well with little kids, i tend to expect them to love history the way i do, and lets be honest most of them think its boring, and i also do not deal well with teenagers, they think they are all-knowing, and they aren't. and i would love to be the one to show them how not they are, but then i would get fired. so college level only, and that is only as a last resort, i so do not want to teach,
ok, we are done with the whole job thing, if anyone wants to offer me a job, leave a comment and i will get back to you after the beep. well, comments don't beep, but hey, you get my drift.
lets se, back to school, i was also offered an internship at the state capital, but sadly, i won't be able to do it. working 4 hours from home, with a new born baby, and a seven year old, and a husband, well, not the best idea in the world, if it payed enough for them to come too, i might consider it, but it doesn't, and it would push my bachelors back a year, because my asl class, the last of the four is only offered in the spring, so i would have to wait, then i would be all rusty, and then with my luck i would fail. so no internship next semester. if it wasn't for the asl, i would probably take it, 12 credits of working at the capital, that would look nice on my transcript. i would try to use it towards my masters.
my stepdad had a heart attack, he is good now, and back at home, thank god. but it would be why i have been on line even less than usual. the good hospital is like 1 1/2 hours away, so driving has been going on alot in the last few weeks. lets see, since my trip to phoenix to see the president, i have been to phoenix 3 times, and i have to go back on wendsday to pick up my mom from the airport. oh wow, i need to explain about the airlines, i hate the airlines. they make life very difficult when someone has a heartattack and you need to cancel thier portion of a trip. i must have spent over 10 hours on the phone dealing with these people, and in the end they still screwed up. luckily they fixed their mistake, if not we were going to have issues, ones involving lawyers, or the police, some issues can be fixed with guns.
anyways, in approximately 4 weeks i will have gone to phoenix and back 4 timesm and tucson and back probably 10. not counting a few ghosttown hunting trips, we all know how much i love those. they are one of the things i look forward to most, exploring a new place, preferably one with lots of ruins. watch out europe, one day i will get to you and your castles.
speaking of ghosttown hunting trips, i am hoping to go on one today, so i should proabably stop writing now and get a move on, its already 10am, and this one is pretty high up in the mountains and i really really don;t want to get stuck in a thunderstorm up there. so until next time
on to more important things, i have after much consideration decided to apply for president at my university, i know, i know, who would ever have thought that i would want to deal with something like that, i know i never did. but hey, its a good oppurtunity, and it sounds intersting, plus it will look damn good on a resume if i ever decide to actually try and find a job. one of these days i will work, really i will. i keep telling my self that, who knows maybe one day it will actually happen. though to be honest if i could get one of my "dream jobs" i would have no issues working.
ok; just in case anyone out there reading this wants to know, maybe they want to offer my a job *winks* my dream jobs are:
*being a tour guide. yes i know, this may seem strange to you, but i really love history, and the best way to experince it is in action, at the location, just i don't know, put books just aren't the way to go for me. plus i love to travel
*being a research assitant. especially for a really awesome author *nudges James Rollins* it wousl be interesting to look up all the different aspects of something, and then help incorporate it into a great story, especially if part of doing this research invovles visiting some of the places that will be written about. as i said previously, i love traveling.
*working in a museum. ok, this is probably the more mundane of my "dream jobs" but its the one that i actually plan to work towards, it would be interesting to help set up displays about things that i also find interesting. put what i consider to be important info out for others to see.
i do not want to be a teacher, the only way i would teach is to be on a college level. i do not deal well with little kids, i tend to expect them to love history the way i do, and lets be honest most of them think its boring, and i also do not deal well with teenagers, they think they are all-knowing, and they aren't. and i would love to be the one to show them how not they are, but then i would get fired. so college level only, and that is only as a last resort, i so do not want to teach,
ok, we are done with the whole job thing, if anyone wants to offer me a job, leave a comment and i will get back to you after the beep. well, comments don't beep, but hey, you get my drift.
lets se, back to school, i was also offered an internship at the state capital, but sadly, i won't be able to do it. working 4 hours from home, with a new born baby, and a seven year old, and a husband, well, not the best idea in the world, if it payed enough for them to come too, i might consider it, but it doesn't, and it would push my bachelors back a year, because my asl class, the last of the four is only offered in the spring, so i would have to wait, then i would be all rusty, and then with my luck i would fail. so no internship next semester. if it wasn't for the asl, i would probably take it, 12 credits of working at the capital, that would look nice on my transcript. i would try to use it towards my masters.
my stepdad had a heart attack, he is good now, and back at home, thank god. but it would be why i have been on line even less than usual. the good hospital is like 1 1/2 hours away, so driving has been going on alot in the last few weeks. lets see, since my trip to phoenix to see the president, i have been to phoenix 3 times, and i have to go back on wendsday to pick up my mom from the airport. oh wow, i need to explain about the airlines, i hate the airlines. they make life very difficult when someone has a heartattack and you need to cancel thier portion of a trip. i must have spent over 10 hours on the phone dealing with these people, and in the end they still screwed up. luckily they fixed their mistake, if not we were going to have issues, ones involving lawyers, or the police, some issues can be fixed with guns.
anyways, in approximately 4 weeks i will have gone to phoenix and back 4 timesm and tucson and back probably 10. not counting a few ghosttown hunting trips, we all know how much i love those. they are one of the things i look forward to most, exploring a new place, preferably one with lots of ruins. watch out europe, one day i will get to you and your castles.
speaking of ghosttown hunting trips, i am hoping to go on one today, so i should proabably stop writing now and get a move on, its already 10am, and this one is pretty high up in the mountains and i really really don;t want to get stuck in a thunderstorm up there. so until next time
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
ok, so i have started classes now, which is not really an issue, i am good at school. much better at it than i am at working truth be told. but dang it has been very busy since last we spoke.
my step dad has had a heartattack, but he is doing good now, hopefully he will be home from the hospital soon, it will be a week tomorrow. we are going to go and visit him this afternoon since it is his birthday, sucks to have to spend your birthday in the hospital, but we each do what we have to, or in this case, what we are forced to do by family and healthcare professionals.
my beloved husband is once again unemployed, i am not even going to go into why, its to long of a story. but needless to say we are now not in a goos place finacailly again, which i have to say i find very frustrating because we have just now caught up from the last time he was unemployed because of my student loans. speaking of my student loans, they were a pain in the ass this semester. the university had the paperwork screwed up or something, because they were, well in actual fact are 2 weeks late. they will be in this friday at the latest. so very very annoying that is. we depend on that money for major bills, like rent and other necassary things, and with it being two weeks late, if my phone hadnt been cut off, i would have a bunch of people calling for money anyway, so it would still be useless to me.
ok, next on the agenda, my aunt and uncle have come to visit from Samoa. i like/love them, but it is definately strange having other people in the house, especially without my mom here. i keep getting harassed about when i eat and what i eat. i havn't had to answer to somebody in years, unless i am leaving the kids at home, and its annoying that my aunt seems to think i should have to answer to her. we will just have to see how well my patience holds out, they are going to be here for a month.
aww, the kids, michael the oldest is now in second grade, and he is pretending that he cant read. he comes home and reads all sorts of books, but in school he is being lazy, which is going to stop. i have talked to his teacher, and his lazyness is now going to earn him twice the work in reading. he can do it, and he will. as for the other, little ray, i have dubbed him frog. and tomorrow he will be 1 month old. i can't believe how quickly time flies.
and with that note i will leave you now, becaue along with school come homework, and that is what i have to do now. wish me luck, i tend to be easily bored.
my step dad has had a heartattack, but he is doing good now, hopefully he will be home from the hospital soon, it will be a week tomorrow. we are going to go and visit him this afternoon since it is his birthday, sucks to have to spend your birthday in the hospital, but we each do what we have to, or in this case, what we are forced to do by family and healthcare professionals.
my beloved husband is once again unemployed, i am not even going to go into why, its to long of a story. but needless to say we are now not in a goos place finacailly again, which i have to say i find very frustrating because we have just now caught up from the last time he was unemployed because of my student loans. speaking of my student loans, they were a pain in the ass this semester. the university had the paperwork screwed up or something, because they were, well in actual fact are 2 weeks late. they will be in this friday at the latest. so very very annoying that is. we depend on that money for major bills, like rent and other necassary things, and with it being two weeks late, if my phone hadnt been cut off, i would have a bunch of people calling for money anyway, so it would still be useless to me.
ok, next on the agenda, my aunt and uncle have come to visit from Samoa. i like/love them, but it is definately strange having other people in the house, especially without my mom here. i keep getting harassed about when i eat and what i eat. i havn't had to answer to somebody in years, unless i am leaving the kids at home, and its annoying that my aunt seems to think i should have to answer to her. we will just have to see how well my patience holds out, they are going to be here for a month.
aww, the kids, michael the oldest is now in second grade, and he is pretending that he cant read. he comes home and reads all sorts of books, but in school he is being lazy, which is going to stop. i have talked to his teacher, and his lazyness is now going to earn him twice the work in reading. he can do it, and he will. as for the other, little ray, i have dubbed him frog. and tomorrow he will be 1 month old. i can't believe how quickly time flies.
and with that note i will leave you now, becaue along with school come homework, and that is what i have to do now. wish me luck, i tend to be easily bored.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Ok, so i am a life member of the VFW Ladies Auxilary, and lucky for me, the national convention this year is here in AZ. So, this year i get to go, though not for very long, only for about a day and a half. this is my second national. but i can't go for very long, i don't want to miss my classes, nor do i want to let my son miss his. he is already going to be missing one day, and to be honest that is one day to many.
watching full metal alchemist atm. i forgot how much i enjoy not only the show, but the soundtrack. i need to dig the cd out and listen to it.
i am also packing, doing so much in such a short period of time. oh wells.
my friend does a paranormal research group, i was looking at maybe going with her tonight, but she hasn't called, and considering i have to drive 100+ miles tomorrow i think i will probably go to sleep instead, even if she does call. one of these days, i will have to try and explain my passion for history, particularly the living kind. i know that doesn't make sense, and i doubt it will when i am all done trying to explain, but alas that is a subject for a different day.
for tonight, i must go, i really do need to sleep, and there is still much for me to do. like the dishes, i hate the dishes, and packing and loading the car, and making sure the baby hopefully sleeps well tonight so that i can hopefully sleep well tonight.
well, until the next time then. hmm maybe i'll post some pics of my wierd online excursions as well. i guess we will just have to wait and see.
watching full metal alchemist atm. i forgot how much i enjoy not only the show, but the soundtrack. i need to dig the cd out and listen to it.
i am also packing, doing so much in such a short period of time. oh wells.
my friend does a paranormal research group, i was looking at maybe going with her tonight, but she hasn't called, and considering i have to drive 100+ miles tomorrow i think i will probably go to sleep instead, even if she does call. one of these days, i will have to try and explain my passion for history, particularly the living kind. i know that doesn't make sense, and i doubt it will when i am all done trying to explain, but alas that is a subject for a different day.
for tonight, i must go, i really do need to sleep, and there is still much for me to do. like the dishes, i hate the dishes, and packing and loading the car, and making sure the baby hopefully sleeps well tonight so that i can hopefully sleep well tonight.
well, until the next time then. hmm maybe i'll post some pics of my wierd online excursions as well. i guess we will just have to wait and see.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
if i havn't mentioned it before, i will mention it again, it can be a real pain in the ass to live with your mom. i love her and all, but jeez when something goes wrong it tends to be everyones fault but hers. case in point, there is a piece of the oven missing, just this little bit of plastic that has been broken off, now obviously she did not do it, though she was the only one to use, o even touch/open the oven for two days, someone else had to broken it from afar. things like this happen frequently around here, and it can be very annoying, we have a ghost we must.
i can here it whispering to its others spooky friends that we are a fun house to play with
on another note, i get to hear prez obama speak on monday, i'm not really a fan of the man, at least not as president, i think he is starting to screw up the country alot, and i feel bad for the next person in office, because they are going to have a hell of a time putting it back together, if it will even be possible. which it should we have a decent checks and balance system, that is of course if the stupid people in congress get their heads out of obamas ass long enough to use it. anyways, now that i am done with that rant, i get to see the man talk, and i am looking forward to it. he seems to be a decent speaker even if i don't agree with most of what he is saying, and how often does one get the chance to see a president speak live, and possibly even get to shake his hand. *rolls eyes* on a side note, i did get to here cheney talk and shake his hand a few years ago, i guess being a member of a politically active organization has some perks.
i start school next tuesday, yay me. sign language here i come, i'm gonna suck do to lack of practice, but such is life, it has been a rather busy summer.
with the start of school comes income, lotsa money, that will probably be gone before i even get to grasp that i had it. but it means i get to go shopping for the rest of the stuff for ray. and of couse some new clothes for the non preggers holly is a necessity as well. and i may or may not buy something for my hubby, we will have to see whether he is still reading this first.
baby is gassy, he seems to dislike burbing, such a sad thing. makes it hard for him to sleep sometimes, but then when he does finally get to sleep, he sleeps for long lengths of times, always nice, that way i can take a couple of 3-4 hour naps, sleeping more than that at a time is a bit impossible at the moment, but thats fine, he is worth it.
hubby is still reading, cookies for him, i guess i will buy him something after all.
and we have to get some clothes and legos for the older son, he needs t-shirts, and jeans, and legos because they seem to be his new fave obsession atm. speaking of the older son, he started school last week, and has the nicest teacher, it scares me. he can be a pain to handle at times, and i'm not sure she will be able to hack it but i guess we will see. he is being a great big brother though, and the fact that he started school so close to the baby being born was a great thing, he adores him, but doesn't have to deal with him all the time, so he is quite happy.
the second son always has the hiccups, its cute, but i feel bad for the little guy, it has to be annoying.
going to phoenix this weekend, maybe i can ride a roller coaster while i am there, i am starting to go through withdrawal, i missed riding them when i was pregnant, so now we need to go and find some new really really fast ones.
the husband is going to phoenix this weekend as well, but sadly not with me =0( he is going up to meps, which is basically the last step to him going back into the service, army this time instead of marines. marines are better, but the army takes better care of the family, which is more important than being the best. besides, he was and forever will be a marine, so whatever right. with any luck he will get offered a nice supply position, and we will get transferred to germany, though i really really want japan that is not someplace the army spends alot of time at. but to be honest anywhere but here is always good for me, though finacially here would be best for the next two years, i could pay off ALL of our bills and buy a new car, without payments in that time frame. it would be nice to be able to start new, but i doubt we will get assigned to our home base so to speak, and if we did, we would still be living with the moms around, and if you need to know how we feel about that then refer back up to paragraph one of this post.
i need to go now, time to pay a bill, and i need nourishment, food, something that will give me energy other than the Amp i am drinking, i also need to take my vitamin, since my eating habits suck, the vitamins are one fo the few things that are helping the baby not sap everything out of my system with the whole breastfeeding thing. btw in case you didn't know, breastfeeding hurts. like hell.
ok, that is all for now, maybe i will write in a few days to tell about the yummy cookies me and the older one are going to make, i have everything i need for them. love you anyways Iri.
i can here it whispering to its others spooky friends that we are a fun house to play with
on another note, i get to hear prez obama speak on monday, i'm not really a fan of the man, at least not as president, i think he is starting to screw up the country alot, and i feel bad for the next person in office, because they are going to have a hell of a time putting it back together, if it will even be possible. which it should we have a decent checks and balance system, that is of course if the stupid people in congress get their heads out of obamas ass long enough to use it. anyways, now that i am done with that rant, i get to see the man talk, and i am looking forward to it. he seems to be a decent speaker even if i don't agree with most of what he is saying, and how often does one get the chance to see a president speak live, and possibly even get to shake his hand. *rolls eyes* on a side note, i did get to here cheney talk and shake his hand a few years ago, i guess being a member of a politically active organization has some perks.
i start school next tuesday, yay me. sign language here i come, i'm gonna suck do to lack of practice, but such is life, it has been a rather busy summer.
with the start of school comes income, lotsa money, that will probably be gone before i even get to grasp that i had it. but it means i get to go shopping for the rest of the stuff for ray. and of couse some new clothes for the non preggers holly is a necessity as well. and i may or may not buy something for my hubby, we will have to see whether he is still reading this first.
baby is gassy, he seems to dislike burbing, such a sad thing. makes it hard for him to sleep sometimes, but then when he does finally get to sleep, he sleeps for long lengths of times, always nice, that way i can take a couple of 3-4 hour naps, sleeping more than that at a time is a bit impossible at the moment, but thats fine, he is worth it.
hubby is still reading, cookies for him, i guess i will buy him something after all.
and we have to get some clothes and legos for the older son, he needs t-shirts, and jeans, and legos because they seem to be his new fave obsession atm. speaking of the older son, he started school last week, and has the nicest teacher, it scares me. he can be a pain to handle at times, and i'm not sure she will be able to hack it but i guess we will see. he is being a great big brother though, and the fact that he started school so close to the baby being born was a great thing, he adores him, but doesn't have to deal with him all the time, so he is quite happy.
the second son always has the hiccups, its cute, but i feel bad for the little guy, it has to be annoying.
going to phoenix this weekend, maybe i can ride a roller coaster while i am there, i am starting to go through withdrawal, i missed riding them when i was pregnant, so now we need to go and find some new really really fast ones.
the husband is going to phoenix this weekend as well, but sadly not with me =0( he is going up to meps, which is basically the last step to him going back into the service, army this time instead of marines. marines are better, but the army takes better care of the family, which is more important than being the best. besides, he was and forever will be a marine, so whatever right. with any luck he will get offered a nice supply position, and we will get transferred to germany, though i really really want japan that is not someplace the army spends alot of time at. but to be honest anywhere but here is always good for me, though finacially here would be best for the next two years, i could pay off ALL of our bills and buy a new car, without payments in that time frame. it would be nice to be able to start new, but i doubt we will get assigned to our home base so to speak, and if we did, we would still be living with the moms around, and if you need to know how we feel about that then refer back up to paragraph one of this post.
i need to go now, time to pay a bill, and i need nourishment, food, something that will give me energy other than the Amp i am drinking, i also need to take my vitamin, since my eating habits suck, the vitamins are one fo the few things that are helping the baby not sap everything out of my system with the whole breastfeeding thing. btw in case you didn't know, breastfeeding hurts. like hell.
ok, that is all for now, maybe i will write in a few days to tell about the yummy cookies me and the older one are going to make, i have everything i need for them. love you anyways Iri.
Monday, August 3, 2009
New Baby!!!
ok, since last we spoke, i was still quite preggers. now i am not!!! yay!! i am now the proud mother of a 8 pound 1 ounce boy named Ray. he is adorable, and he even lets me sleep through the night with the small exception of one feeding. i have no issues with that, and am more than willing for it to continue. i was in labor for a bit longer than expected, especially considering i was scheduled for a c-section, so there shouldn't have been any labor. but it is what it is i guess. i also had a tubligation, so no more kids, which my doctor was very thrilled with because it would seem that my uterus is in no condition to have another child, in fact i was quite lucky to make it through this one, especially after being in labor for almost 30 hours. my doctor was very much we should have done it the first time you came in, but we had no idea that my uterus was so bad. now if i get pregnant again, it will not only be against very big odds, but most likely i will have to terminate the pregnancy, which would kill a part of me, so my poor husband is going to go in and get snipped. that way we have even less chance of that happening. ok, i guess that is all the news for now. school starts again soon, so i'll probably be on a bit more, but who really knows for sure. byes
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ok, i suspect that this will be my last post for a few weeks at least, whats different about that. i really have no idea, but hey at least you got warning this time around right. less than a week and this baby is gonna be out of me. thank god. this pregnancy has been hell. i have been sick over 6 months of it, that is just wrong, at least it is to me. with any luck i will have an easy birth this time around, i'm pretty sure i've said it before, but i am going to say it again, infections just stay away, far away from me. i do not want to spend a week or more in the hospital this time around, i hate hospitals.
we have the baby's section of the room put together, its so cute, lots of bright colors. and a dead monkey stuffed toy, there has to be some weird in there, it is me after all. and i have decided that if he turns out to be a she i am going to cry, all of the clothes and such are for a boy. all the big stuff could be used for either, but i really don't want the hassle of a girl, i think they are adorable and such, but they can get into alot more trouble, and just have to be watched a bit more closely, and then when they become teenagers, the majority of them become evil things that i want to wipe of the face of the planet for at least 3 years. i really don't want to have to deal with that, so come on i so need this to be a boy just like the nice doctor man said.
so i have to take 5 classes this semester again, because i am going to have to independant study my way through asl, i need to finish 2 semesters in one for that class, because its not really one i could take online, and michael has decided that going into the army is what he is going to do, so i need to be ready when i am told it is time to leave, no more garuntee to staying here till may like there was before, its annoying though, i am so close to having it done, 8 classes, and then i am done, oh wells. i'll get it even if it takes a bit longer than i would like. then there is still the masters to look into, but i think changing schools for that is going to have to be a necessity at this point.
i'm looking forward to the army though, i'm still a little apprehensive about it, especially when it comes to deployments, i really don't want to have to live without michael again, but i am looking forward to the whole getting away from here thing. we have always lived with our parents very active in our lifes, and i really love them both, but soemtimes i wish we had room to ourselves, and a city without them in it. and the army, that is definately the way of doing that. yay!!!!
hmm, well i think that this is it for now, and as i said earlier, i think this will be the last post for awhile, but then again who knows, i may just surprise us all.
laters all
we have the baby's section of the room put together, its so cute, lots of bright colors. and a dead monkey stuffed toy, there has to be some weird in there, it is me after all. and i have decided that if he turns out to be a she i am going to cry, all of the clothes and such are for a boy. all the big stuff could be used for either, but i really don't want the hassle of a girl, i think they are adorable and such, but they can get into alot more trouble, and just have to be watched a bit more closely, and then when they become teenagers, the majority of them become evil things that i want to wipe of the face of the planet for at least 3 years. i really don't want to have to deal with that, so come on i so need this to be a boy just like the nice doctor man said.
so i have to take 5 classes this semester again, because i am going to have to independant study my way through asl, i need to finish 2 semesters in one for that class, because its not really one i could take online, and michael has decided that going into the army is what he is going to do, so i need to be ready when i am told it is time to leave, no more garuntee to staying here till may like there was before, its annoying though, i am so close to having it done, 8 classes, and then i am done, oh wells. i'll get it even if it takes a bit longer than i would like. then there is still the masters to look into, but i think changing schools for that is going to have to be a necessity at this point.
i'm looking forward to the army though, i'm still a little apprehensive about it, especially when it comes to deployments, i really don't want to have to live without michael again, but i am looking forward to the whole getting away from here thing. we have always lived with our parents very active in our lifes, and i really love them both, but soemtimes i wish we had room to ourselves, and a city without them in it. and the army, that is definately the way of doing that. yay!!!!
hmm, well i think that this is it for now, and as i said earlier, i think this will be the last post for awhile, but then again who knows, i may just surprise us all.
laters all
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
so when my computr went away, so did all of my bookmarks, which caused me to forget about many of the sites that i tend to visit on a regular basis. until i noticed the link to this blog on my facebook, i knew i had it, but couldn't for the life of me remember the flipping address. needless to say that issue has been solved, and with any luck i will have my computer back in the next two weeks, this is sadly about two weeks longer than it should be, but hey, it will be fixed and better than ever, supposedly at least, personally i just want it back. ASAP
ok, so onto what has happened this month. we have finally moved rooms, and boy am i glad that that is over with, it was a pain in the ass, and i still have a bit to do. other than that, i hav just been enjoying my time with lil man, in less than a month the baby will be here, so he can use the extra attention.
lets see, the baby will be born on july 27th, the surgery is set for noon atm, but that is likely to change about a week from the day. or so i have been told. my baby shower is going to be this sunday, i really did not want to have a baby shower, but people insisted, and tbey are dealing with it, so i was like whatever.
saturday is one of my fave holidays. the fourth of july, yay USA. i can't wait, though this year will not be as action packed as previous years. i just don't have the stamina to celebrate for 18 hours straight this year, though that may sound like an exageration, it really isn't. from predawn till well aftr dark i am usually doing something or another. i live in a great place for it, there are things going on everywhere so we always have a great selection of stuff to do. this year though will be, some stuff in the morning, nap, some stuff in the early afternoon, nap and of course the fireworks, though i ma not sure wether we will watch those from the house or risk going out into public. i am at the moment leaning towards from mine or a friends, that many people don't seem like somthing i want to deal with at 8+ months pregnant.
so as you shouold know, my husband recently got out of the marines. yay him, the only prob with that is that now he is having issues finding a job within our state that pays anything close to the same, his solution id joining the army or the air force. most likely not the same state, but thats fine with me, i love experienceing new things, what i am not sure of is another deployment, we barely made it thru the last one, and though we are now stronger relationship wise than we have ever been, i really dont want to have to worry about him dying in a war thousands of miles away. i guess we will have to see what happens with that, but i will be sure to keep you all posted.
well, it is almost time for my shopping spree for my kitty. if you want to check it out, then go to daphidilia.superpokepets.com
laters all
ok, so onto what has happened this month. we have finally moved rooms, and boy am i glad that that is over with, it was a pain in the ass, and i still have a bit to do. other than that, i hav just been enjoying my time with lil man, in less than a month the baby will be here, so he can use the extra attention.
lets see, the baby will be born on july 27th, the surgery is set for noon atm, but that is likely to change about a week from the day. or so i have been told. my baby shower is going to be this sunday, i really did not want to have a baby shower, but people insisted, and tbey are dealing with it, so i was like whatever.
saturday is one of my fave holidays. the fourth of july, yay USA. i can't wait, though this year will not be as action packed as previous years. i just don't have the stamina to celebrate for 18 hours straight this year, though that may sound like an exageration, it really isn't. from predawn till well aftr dark i am usually doing something or another. i live in a great place for it, there are things going on everywhere so we always have a great selection of stuff to do. this year though will be, some stuff in the morning, nap, some stuff in the early afternoon, nap and of course the fireworks, though i ma not sure wether we will watch those from the house or risk going out into public. i am at the moment leaning towards from mine or a friends, that many people don't seem like somthing i want to deal with at 8+ months pregnant.
so as you shouold know, my husband recently got out of the marines. yay him, the only prob with that is that now he is having issues finding a job within our state that pays anything close to the same, his solution id joining the army or the air force. most likely not the same state, but thats fine with me, i love experienceing new things, what i am not sure of is another deployment, we barely made it thru the last one, and though we are now stronger relationship wise than we have ever been, i really dont want to have to worry about him dying in a war thousands of miles away. i guess we will have to see what happens with that, but i will be sure to keep you all posted.
well, it is almost time for my shopping spree for my kitty. if you want to check it out, then go to daphidilia.superpokepets.com
laters all
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
today sucks, i feel horrible, but i had a really nice weekend, which is probably the cause of me not feeling my usual perky self. stupid AZ sun really wears me out, it usually does in the summer, and with the baby it is just kicking my ass this year, and we are not even into the really hot part of the year yet, i think that staying inside would probably be the best thing for me to do, but there's just so much to do outside, oh well, i'm sure that i'll figure it out, and besides that is what husbands are for is it not. now if i could only figure out a way to convince him that it would be good to set up the pool, and unfortuneately getting sick for two days after one at the lake just doesn't seem top be it. aw wells.
well we have figured out the room issue, now if we could just get everything moved that we have to, my life would be so much easier, the baby will be here in less than two months, i should find out exactly when today at my appointment, so you would think that my mom would be willing to do what needs to get done, but no, it seems that she is content to wait until the last minute and hope that some little fairy comes and does it all for her, come to think about it that seems to be what my husband is waiting for as well. i don't think that either of them realize that in about 2 weeks, if this ends up like the last one, that i will be put on bed rest, and therefore unable to help them. then they will both be annoyed and having issues, and i will get to sit back, smile and say, well i wanted to do this before, and you guys were always to busy ot to lazy. i have to say i almost hope that happens, just so that they both may stop putting things off to the last minute.
oh wells, that is it for now i guess, i am going to get ready for my appointment, and hope that the tylenol kicks in soon, my head is starting to feel like exploding would be a good thing. laters all.
well we have figured out the room issue, now if we could just get everything moved that we have to, my life would be so much easier, the baby will be here in less than two months, i should find out exactly when today at my appointment, so you would think that my mom would be willing to do what needs to get done, but no, it seems that she is content to wait until the last minute and hope that some little fairy comes and does it all for her, come to think about it that seems to be what my husband is waiting for as well. i don't think that either of them realize that in about 2 weeks, if this ends up like the last one, that i will be put on bed rest, and therefore unable to help them. then they will both be annoyed and having issues, and i will get to sit back, smile and say, well i wanted to do this before, and you guys were always to busy ot to lazy. i have to say i almost hope that happens, just so that they both may stop putting things off to the last minute.
oh wells, that is it for now i guess, i am going to get ready for my appointment, and hope that the tylenol kicks in soon, my head is starting to feel like exploding would be a good thing. laters all.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
ok, just a quick thing today, hopefully my internets will be back up and running within the week, we can only hope at least. and i am finally done with this semester, it just kept going and going, just like the energizer bunny. i'm glad its summer now, i needed the break. though its not really to much of a break becaue now i have this huge list to do to get ready for the baby, but at least that is all i have to concentrate on. okies, well that be it for now. luvs yous, and talks at you laters.
Friday, April 24, 2009
ok, so i have come to the conclusion that i need another bedroom, i am just not sure how to go around getting another bedroom. i currently live in a three bedroom house. theres is a nice sized family room that we use as a guest room when we have company. anyways, my mom has one bedroom, my son has the second, and my husband and me have the third. the baby in the begining is going to be sleeping in the same room as my husband and me, not such a big deal you would think, he's small so he can't take up that much room. right.....WRONG....currently, my bedroom has 4 book cases, a dresser w/ tv on top, and a large jewelry box. the closet is packed, and we still tend to lose things that we need because at one point or another they were removed to the shed for more room. i should also mention that we have the smallest bedroom in the house. which we didn't mind until the whole sharing with baby thing came up. now i am trying to figure out how we are going to fit the baby in here, it just doesn't seem like something that is going to happen easily, if at all. now i have thought about switching over into the family room, its a very large room, it was once upon a time the garage, and you would think that this wouldn't be a huge problem, but i can't convince my mom. it is her house after all, but we could move the entertainment section into the living room, and then turn what is now our room into the guest room/office, it really wouldn't be to big a deal, but for her it is. so i am stuck trying to figure out how my house is supposed to grow another bedroom. preferrably, a nice inexpensive bedroom, because i am quite broke atm. if anyone thinks they can help with this adventure please let me know. i would greatly appreciate it. if not, and you actually made it all the way through this post, then thankies much for reading, and i am sorry that i seem to have a lot to vent about at the moment.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Busy Busy
this weekend i got so much done that i've been wanting to do. i'm so happy. the bedroom, which sadly had no floor space for walking is done. i can walk around the bed now, and miracously i have a floor. yay!!! for people who have known me for along time, you know how much of a slob i can be. its not that i like the mess, its just that it has to be perfect, and if i don't have the time for perfection then i give no time what so ever, and everything falls apart around me. i know this is not the best way to do things, but it is the only way for me. stupid ocd. but at this moment it is done, so i am extremely happy, there is a small stack of things that have to go into the shed, but since i can't lift, i have to wait for the hubby to do it, and he works 40+ hours a week, so i have decided to be patient. tomorrow on his day off he can move it. i hope he does at least, the pile is getting on my nerves.
my sister borrowed some of my manga for a few weeks about 2 months ago, i keepasking for her to bring them back, and she keeps ignoring me. see if i let her borrow anything any time in the near future again. my bookcase looks really not perfect because of it. the manga shelve is bricked, the way its stacked is really cool looking, but without all of the volumes it looks very incomplete, and now that the room is clean and wonderful, i want the shelve to be as perfect as it was when everything else was a mess. i know, theres that perfection again.
so i am starting to stress a bit about the new baby, we are only making about 1/4 what we were a year ago, stupid economy. and that is barely enough to pay our bills. i love my mom, but i would rather not live here forever, and we are all trying to figure out where this baby is going to go. we live in a three bedroom house, and all three bedrooms are full, to the brim. we have a family/guest room, but there is so much in there that if we moved into it, i'm not sure where we would put all of the stuff that is in it. it is very annoying how everything sorta catches in on itself at the same moment. i was planning on buying a basonet for the first few months, but now i am not sure whether i will have to money to do that or not. my husband has access to a va laon, but with the job he is working now, i don't think that he would qualify for it. and we would have to use at least part of it to pay off what bills we already have, and i think they can only be used for buying a house or starting a business. stupid rules right. we considered using it to put a second story on the house, but if something happened and we had to move, i can't garuntee that we would still be able to pay for it, so we decided that we can't do that.
as for school, well i have 3 papers and 3 presentations due over the next 4 weeks, and i have not done any part of any of it. so most likely tomorrow will do the presentation for wendsday, and continue that way for the next few weeks. usually i am very anal about my grades, an 'a' or not good enough. this semester i am just trying to pass, its rather frustrating, but its all i can do to keep up, never mind the whole getting ahaed thing and being perfect this semester. if i can pull of b's then i will be pleasantly amazed.
ok, while i'm pretty sure i could probably ramble on for another couple of paragraphs at least, i need to go and finish up my laundry, no letting things hang around, they need to be put away right away, less i lose my perfect room. talk or on this case write to you all laters.
my sister borrowed some of my manga for a few weeks about 2 months ago, i keepasking for her to bring them back, and she keeps ignoring me. see if i let her borrow anything any time in the near future again. my bookcase looks really not perfect because of it. the manga shelve is bricked, the way its stacked is really cool looking, but without all of the volumes it looks very incomplete, and now that the room is clean and wonderful, i want the shelve to be as perfect as it was when everything else was a mess. i know, theres that perfection again.
so i am starting to stress a bit about the new baby, we are only making about 1/4 what we were a year ago, stupid economy. and that is barely enough to pay our bills. i love my mom, but i would rather not live here forever, and we are all trying to figure out where this baby is going to go. we live in a three bedroom house, and all three bedrooms are full, to the brim. we have a family/guest room, but there is so much in there that if we moved into it, i'm not sure where we would put all of the stuff that is in it. it is very annoying how everything sorta catches in on itself at the same moment. i was planning on buying a basonet for the first few months, but now i am not sure whether i will have to money to do that or not. my husband has access to a va laon, but with the job he is working now, i don't think that he would qualify for it. and we would have to use at least part of it to pay off what bills we already have, and i think they can only be used for buying a house or starting a business. stupid rules right. we considered using it to put a second story on the house, but if something happened and we had to move, i can't garuntee that we would still be able to pay for it, so we decided that we can't do that.
as for school, well i have 3 papers and 3 presentations due over the next 4 weeks, and i have not done any part of any of it. so most likely tomorrow will do the presentation for wendsday, and continue that way for the next few weeks. usually i am very anal about my grades, an 'a' or not good enough. this semester i am just trying to pass, its rather frustrating, but its all i can do to keep up, never mind the whole getting ahaed thing and being perfect this semester. if i can pull of b's then i will be pleasantly amazed.
ok, while i'm pretty sure i could probably ramble on for another couple of paragraphs at least, i need to go and finish up my laundry, no letting things hang around, they need to be put away right away, less i lose my perfect room. talk or on this case write to you all laters.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
So yesterday i found out that my next child, who is to be born in July will be a boy. with this news i am both happy and disappointed. i had hoped for a girl, most of the time at least, what female doesn't want to have a little girl to dress up and buy cute things for. i know it sounds more like i want a doll, but hey, it would be fun, and there are just so many really cute lil girl things out there. the downside to having a girl would have been when they hit the age of 12 till about 18, girls are a pain in the ass when they are teenagers, i remember when i was one. and if i had been my mom i would have killed me and buried me in the desert. i also see how my sis is, and she is practicticly a saint when it comes to her friends. so yay, no girl, but a boy. now i already have a boy, and he was great as a baby, in fact he was just about perfect until he turned three, then some switch hit and he became this adorable little brat child. i am not the most patient person in the world, and in all honesty i dont really like kids that much. but i love my son, and though we don't always see eye to eye we do well together. and i know that he will get better as he gets older. we were so lucky with him as a baby, that i am a bit scared about the one i'm carrying, no one can be that lucky to times in a row, but i really really hope i am. anyways, just a bit of venting. and an announcement of the name, since we know it is a boy, then we know it will be Raymond John, our little Ray.
Friday, March 20, 2009
ok, so myself, my husband, and my son all decided to go camping for a few days over spring break. but since i am pregnant we decided to do the fun, but easy camping meaning that we rented a cabin at the lake rather than having to deal with the whole tent thing. it was so peaceful, and enjoyable i wish that we had never left. my problem now is that i am over-tired, and trying not to get sick. at this point o am failing my poor head hurts like hell, and the computer screen is just making it worse. so its about time for the computer to go away. sad but true.
on a different note, if anybody has some ideas on how to convince a seven year old to clean his room please let me know, i am at my wits end and have this urge to throw everything out. my son doesn't think i will, up until a week ago, i didn;t think i would either, now i am not so sure.
also if anybody wants to write a 20-25 page research paper for me i would be most appreciative, i have to have one done by wendsday, and just don't have the time, or the energy to do it atm. its so sad, i usually enjoy writing papers, no matter how much i may complain about them during the process, but right now i am just so exhausted i don;t know when i'll be able to get it done. and i doubt it will be to the level that my papers are usually at. and i was kidding about some else writing one for me btw, i would never ask for help cheating, i can figure out a way to do it all on my own. hehe.
love you all, hope your lives are hectic enough to keep you busy, but not so hectic that you want to pull out your hair.
on a different note, if anybody has some ideas on how to convince a seven year old to clean his room please let me know, i am at my wits end and have this urge to throw everything out. my son doesn't think i will, up until a week ago, i didn;t think i would either, now i am not so sure.
also if anybody wants to write a 20-25 page research paper for me i would be most appreciative, i have to have one done by wendsday, and just don't have the time, or the energy to do it atm. its so sad, i usually enjoy writing papers, no matter how much i may complain about them during the process, but right now i am just so exhausted i don;t know when i'll be able to get it done. and i doubt it will be to the level that my papers are usually at. and i was kidding about some else writing one for me btw, i would never ask for help cheating, i can figure out a way to do it all on my own. hehe.
love you all, hope your lives are hectic enough to keep you busy, but not so hectic that you want to pull out your hair.
Monday, March 9, 2009
still procrastinating
i'm really bad, not only do i have 5 papers due tomorrow, i also have a 5 page midterm. so what am i doing, anything but what i have to of course. i am just so tired of having to deal with all of my classes, i have so much work to do this semester, which is half way over, and i'm not even a quarter of the way through. there are like 10 papers to many, and i'm not even going to say a thing about the books that i have been reading, well sorta reading enough to get through the classes at least. so much to do and so little time.
we are going to go camping for a couple of days next week, hopefully i will have the chace to catch up after that during the rest of spring break. i'm really looking forward to the camping though, there are going to be hot springs at the lake we are going to, so you know exactly where i'll be. my son and hubby are really looking forward to the fishing, we were hoping we would be able to use my aunts boat, but we have no way of getting it to the lake, stupid broken trailor. oh wells, we get to stay in a nice cabin that is both heated and cooled, and we get our own personal bbq grill. i guess it could be worse, i just wish it cam supplied with food, then it would be as perfect as it could get. such is life i guess.
so this week is the brand new season of ghost hunters, i don't know why but i am resonably obsessed with that show, have been ever since they came down to tombstone. ghi is ok, but the original is by far the best, i hope this season is as good as some of the last ones were.
i have been waiting for a new external drive, i was hoping to be able to get one with my tax refund, but with the baby coming, i had to use the money in other places, it sucked. now i havn't been able to dl any new anime for a few weeks, i'm not behind on my shows because i have been streaming them, but when its time to dl again its gonna take forever to catch up. i guess i should just give in and backup to some dvds but its a pain to do, and they don't play as well as they do from my external. damn it all, i find it very annoying to have over a terrabyte of memory full, it should fill up so easily, it just shouldn't.
alright, i guess i will go back to working on my papers, venting here has helped me get more into my writing mood. i will have to remember that for future reference, getting me in the mindset to write is not an easy thing, but when i am there, then i can write anything. not many people i know can pull a's of of there first drafts. i guess i'm just sorta lucky that way.
we are going to go camping for a couple of days next week, hopefully i will have the chace to catch up after that during the rest of spring break. i'm really looking forward to the camping though, there are going to be hot springs at the lake we are going to, so you know exactly where i'll be. my son and hubby are really looking forward to the fishing, we were hoping we would be able to use my aunts boat, but we have no way of getting it to the lake, stupid broken trailor. oh wells, we get to stay in a nice cabin that is both heated and cooled, and we get our own personal bbq grill. i guess it could be worse, i just wish it cam supplied with food, then it would be as perfect as it could get. such is life i guess.
so this week is the brand new season of ghost hunters, i don't know why but i am resonably obsessed with that show, have been ever since they came down to tombstone. ghi is ok, but the original is by far the best, i hope this season is as good as some of the last ones were.
i have been waiting for a new external drive, i was hoping to be able to get one with my tax refund, but with the baby coming, i had to use the money in other places, it sucked. now i havn't been able to dl any new anime for a few weeks, i'm not behind on my shows because i have been streaming them, but when its time to dl again its gonna take forever to catch up. i guess i should just give in and backup to some dvds but its a pain to do, and they don't play as well as they do from my external. damn it all, i find it very annoying to have over a terrabyte of memory full, it should fill up so easily, it just shouldn't.
alright, i guess i will go back to working on my papers, venting here has helped me get more into my writing mood. i will have to remember that for future reference, getting me in the mindset to write is not an easy thing, but when i am there, then i can write anything. not many people i know can pull a's of of there first drafts. i guess i'm just sorta lucky that way.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Anita Blake
Okies, i just finished reading all of the Anita Blake series, 16 books worth, the 17th comes out in a few months, and i can't wait. the beginning of the series is really great. it has a wonderful story line, and it flows really well, the characters are great. they are really well rounded and they have a good depth to them. then as the story goes on, it changes, the stories are still good, but its like the author is writing the story around the sex in the book. its a little disappointing, but i guess whatever sells her books right. out of the 16 there were only two that the sex ruined the books for me, those two didn't have a strong enough story line for me, not with all of the sex as well. but the story itself is still worth reading, if you like vampires and werewolves etc. personally i prefer the wereleopards, but i have always had an affinity for cats. not fond of dogs, not at all. i don't think i could juggle her relationships, there are just to many of them. but i would love to try Jean-Claude, Nathaniel. those two have got to be my favorite characters. what would i do if i didn't have a vampire or two to dream about at night, i probably wouldn't sleep half as well as i do now, that's for sure. i look forward to my dreams. oh wells, atm i have to stop messing around a settle down to write some papers, wish me luck, i desperately need it if I'm going to finish them all. silly me i have been putting them off for quite awhile now. bad Holly, no cookie.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Why Not
ok, i have never blogged really, unless you count myspace, which i dont. but since i keep missing my peoples, especially my wifey i figured why not. so here we will see how good i am at updating stuff and sharing. dont expect much, i am unusually busy atm, but i also love to procrastinate. so we will see what wins i guess.
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