Monday, March 26, 2018

Day 25

Wow, almost missed this one, I have been pretty much running since I got up this morning, and was getting ready to head to bed, when bam... my blog... anyways, here we go...

Think of any word. Search it on Google images. Write something inspired by the 11th image.

This is actually more what 8 was hoping for when I decided to do something like this originally, but then I thought, let’s do something a bit more personal, I write better when it’s something I know well...

Let’s see, what word...


Wow, the view, the person, it’s mind blowing...

     Steph had always wanted to travel the world, go on one adventure to the next without any thought to the future, or to where such wandering might lead her. Unfortunately for her, there was the issue of money, her job, her family (what little there was of it) and the fact that she had never actually gone further than 50 miles away from home, and that was once for a field trip when she was in third grade. All of Steph’s friends had learned long ago that she dreamed big, studied intensely, yet was too timid to actually follow through on all the plans she had made. This was of course exasperated, by her mother whom always found out the worst possible thing about her daughters newest ‘it’ locale and made sure she knew all about it, her mother was the main reason Steph was so very timid. 
     Steph's Aunt on the other hand knew the disservice her mother was doing her, so she made a scrap book for everyone of Steph’s must travel locations, and she secreted away money for each and every one of them, she truly loved her niece and wanted to her have all that she dreamed and more. About the time Steph was 25, tragically, her mom and aunt got into a car accident, neither of them survived. Steph being the last of the family inherited both homes as well as all of their other possessions. She started with her moms house and systematically cleaned it out room by room, then she rented it out to some friends that she knew would take care of it. Next she started on her aunts house, there she found the scrapbooks tha had been so painstakingly put together for her, along with one that had a location she had never seen before. As she started to look through the books she realized that not only was there two weeks worth of itineraries for each location, there was also enough money to complete them, plus buy lots of soveniers ‘to remember’ her aunt said.
     There was just one request, to please go to the unknown location first, there was a picture at the end of that scrapbook of her aunt standing on a cliff overlooking the most beautiful view Steph had ever seen. She was quite shocked, she hadn’t known that her aunt had ever left the town, she knew for a fact her mother hadn’t. So after Steph finished cleaning out and moving into her aunts house, she went, she stood on that cliff and she was reborn. She screamed out all the pain and frustration she felt towards her mother and left with just love and forgiveness, knowing that her mother wanted only what was best for her. She thanked and yelled at her aunt for not sharing more with her before, but also for realizing the push she needed. When she came off that cliff she quit her job and traveled to every place she had ever dreamed of going as well as many that she had not run across yet, some of them she planned, some of them she would just spontaneously arrive at, no planning necessary. But she never forgot what she learned, who she was, and that one can be whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to do, sometimes they just need a little push...

Who is your favorite Disney character and why?

My favorite Disney character is Captain Jack Sparrow. I love him, he’s a rouge, but he is also a good man. I love the adventures he has gone on, the trail he has carved for himself over the sea. Plus there has always been something about pirates that dos it for me, the sense of freedom they have, I know logically that it was probably not the best life, and that many of them were killers, but there is something romantic about them none the less, and Jack just taps into that, plus he is crazy, and I’ve always been attracted to and seduced by those that are not all there...

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