Wednesday, August 26, 2009


ok, so i have started classes now, which is not really an issue, i am good at school. much better at it than i am at working truth be told. but dang it has been very busy since last we spoke.

my step dad has had a heartattack, but he is doing good now, hopefully he will be home from the hospital soon, it will be a week tomorrow. we are going to go and visit him this afternoon since it is his birthday, sucks to have to spend your birthday in the hospital, but we each do what we have to, or in this case, what we are forced to do by family and healthcare professionals.

my beloved husband is once again unemployed, i am not even going to go into why, its to long of a story. but needless to say we are now not in a goos place finacailly again, which i have to say i find very frustrating because we have just now caught up from the last time he was unemployed because of my student loans. speaking of my student loans, they were a pain in the ass this semester. the university had the paperwork screwed up or something, because they were, well in actual fact are 2 weeks late. they will be in this friday at the latest. so very very annoying that is. we depend on that money for major bills, like rent and other necassary things, and with it being two weeks late, if my phone hadnt been cut off, i would have a bunch of people calling for money anyway, so it would still be useless to me.

ok, next on the agenda, my aunt and uncle have come to visit from Samoa. i like/love them, but it is definately strange having other people in the house, especially without my mom here. i keep getting harassed about when i eat and what i eat. i havn't had to answer to somebody in years, unless i am leaving the kids at home, and its annoying that my aunt seems to think i should have to answer to her. we will just have to see how well my patience holds out, they are going to be here for a month.

aww, the kids, michael the oldest is now in second grade, and he is pretending that he cant read. he comes home and reads all sorts of books, but in school he is being lazy, which is going to stop. i have talked to his teacher, and his lazyness is now going to earn him twice the work in reading. he can do it, and he will. as for the other, little ray, i have dubbed him frog. and tomorrow he will be 1 month old. i can't believe how quickly time flies.

and with that note i will leave you now, becaue along with school come homework, and that is what i have to do now. wish me luck, i tend to be easily bored.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Ok, so i am a life member of the VFW Ladies Auxilary, and lucky for me, the national convention this year is here in AZ. So, this year i get to go, though not for very long, only for about a day and a half. this is my second national. but i can't go for very long, i don't want to miss my classes, nor do i want to let my son miss his. he is already going to be missing one day, and to be honest that is one day to many.

watching full metal alchemist atm. i forgot how much i enjoy not only the show, but the soundtrack. i need to dig the cd out and listen to it.

i am also packing, doing so much in such a short period of time. oh wells.

my friend does a paranormal research group, i was looking at maybe going with her tonight, but she hasn't called, and considering i have to drive 100+ miles tomorrow i think i will probably go to sleep instead, even if she does call. one of these days, i will have to try and explain my passion for history, particularly the living kind. i know that doesn't make sense, and i doubt it will when i am all done trying to explain, but alas that is a subject for a different day.

for tonight, i must go, i really do need to sleep, and there is still much for me to do. like the dishes, i hate the dishes, and packing and loading the car, and making sure the baby hopefully sleeps well tonight so that i can hopefully sleep well tonight.

well, until the next time then. hmm maybe i'll post some pics of my wierd online excursions as well. i guess we will just have to wait and see.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


if i havn't mentioned it before, i will mention it again, it can be a real pain in the ass to live with your mom. i love her and all, but jeez when something goes wrong it tends to be everyones fault but hers. case in point, there is a piece of the oven missing, just this little bit of plastic that has been broken off, now obviously she did not do it, though she was the only one to use, o even touch/open the oven for two days, someone else had to broken it from afar. things like this happen frequently around here, and it can be very annoying, we have a ghost we must.

i can here it whispering to its others spooky friends that we are a fun house to play with

on another note, i get to hear prez obama speak on monday, i'm not really a fan of the man, at least not as president, i think he is starting to screw up the country alot, and i feel bad for the next person in office, because they are going to have a hell of a time putting it back together, if it will even be possible. which it should we have a decent checks and balance system, that is of course if the stupid people in congress get their heads out of obamas ass long enough to use it. anyways, now that i am done with that rant, i get to see the man talk, and i am looking forward to it. he seems to be a decent speaker even if i don't agree with most of what he is saying, and how often does one get the chance to see a president speak live, and possibly even get to shake his hand. *rolls eyes* on a side note, i did get to here cheney talk and shake his hand a few years ago, i guess being a member of a politically active organization has some perks.

i start school next tuesday, yay me. sign language here i come, i'm gonna suck do to lack of practice, but such is life, it has been a rather busy summer.

with the start of school comes income, lotsa money, that will probably be gone before i even get to grasp that i had it. but it means i get to go shopping for the rest of the stuff for ray. and of couse some new clothes for the non preggers holly is a necessity as well. and i may or may not buy something for my hubby, we will have to see whether he is still reading this first.

baby is gassy, he seems to dislike burbing, such a sad thing. makes it hard for him to sleep sometimes, but then when he does finally get to sleep, he sleeps for long lengths of times, always nice, that way i can take a couple of 3-4 hour naps, sleeping more than that at a time is a bit impossible at the moment, but thats fine, he is worth it.

hubby is still reading, cookies for him, i guess i will buy him something after all.

and we have to get some clothes and legos for the older son, he needs t-shirts, and jeans, and legos because they seem to be his new fave obsession atm. speaking of the older son, he started school last week, and has the nicest teacher, it scares me. he can be a pain to handle at times, and i'm not sure she will be able to hack it but i guess we will see. he is being a great big brother though, and the fact that he started school so close to the baby being born was a great thing, he adores him, but doesn't have to deal with him all the time, so he is quite happy.

the second son always has the hiccups, its cute, but i feel bad for the little guy, it has to be annoying.

going to phoenix this weekend, maybe i can ride a roller coaster while i am there, i am starting to go through withdrawal, i missed riding them when i was pregnant, so now we need to go and find some new really really fast ones.

the husband is going to phoenix this weekend as well, but sadly not with me =0( he is going up to meps, which is basically the last step to him going back into the service, army this time instead of marines. marines are better, but the army takes better care of the family, which is more important than being the best. besides, he was and forever will be a marine, so whatever right. with any luck he will get offered a nice supply position, and we will get transferred to germany, though i really really want japan that is not someplace the army spends alot of time at. but to be honest anywhere but here is always good for me, though finacially here would be best for the next two years, i could pay off ALL of our bills and buy a new car, without payments in that time frame. it would be nice to be able to start new, but i doubt we will get assigned to our home base so to speak, and if we did, we would still be living with the moms around, and if you need to know how we feel about that then refer back up to paragraph one of this post.

i need to go now, time to pay a bill, and i need nourishment, food, something that will give me energy other than the Amp i am drinking, i also need to take my vitamin, since my eating habits suck, the vitamins are one fo the few things that are helping the baby not sap everything out of my system with the whole breastfeeding thing. btw in case you didn't know, breastfeeding hurts. like hell.

ok, that is all for now, maybe i will write in a few days to tell about the yummy cookies me and the older one are going to make, i have everything i need for them. love you anyways Iri.


Monday, August 3, 2009

New Baby!!!

ok, since last we spoke, i was still quite preggers. now i am not!!! yay!! i am now the proud mother of a 8 pound 1 ounce boy named Ray. he is adorable, and he even lets me sleep through the night with the small exception of one feeding. i have no issues with that, and am more than willing for it to continue. i was in labor for a bit longer than expected, especially considering i was scheduled for a c-section, so there shouldn't have been any labor. but it is what it is i guess. i also had a tubligation, so no more kids, which my doctor was very thrilled with because it would seem that my uterus is in no condition to have another child, in fact i was quite lucky to make it through this one, especially after being in labor for almost 30 hours. my doctor was very much we should have done it the first time you came in, but we had no idea that my uterus was so bad. now if i get pregnant again, it will not only be against very big odds, but most likely i will have to terminate the pregnancy, which would kill a part of me, so my poor husband is going to go in and get snipped. that way we have even less chance of that happening. ok, i guess that is all the news for now. school starts again soon, so i'll probably be on a bit more, but who really knows for sure. byes