Thursday, October 9, 2014


So Lost - So Confused
So Much Pressure
Escape - Waves - Freedom
The Ability To Just Go
Because You Need To
Misunderstood - No One Cares
Questioning Everything
So Very Alone

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The end

So this season of TV marks the end of two of my all time fave shows, Glee, and True Blood.  Seeing as Glee is not going to start until January, which I am still upset with btw, this post is all about True Blood.

So I just marathoned the entire season over the last two days around my kids being awake and school and such, and I have to tell you I was really enjoying the beginning of it. I thought it had a good premise, which is saying something because after last season I was really sorta on the fence about this one with the time jump and Sam as the mayor and all, but I think that all made sense, it all worked into the story, it just all flowed nicely.  And it kept flowing well all the way to the end, the final episode though, for me at least it just feels wrong.

They took what was undoubtedly one of the darkest shows on television, and they ended it at what amounts to a fucking tea party.  Everyone is happy, life is wonderful, lots of happy endings, they seriously just ruined seven years worth of amazing work with one episode.  Don't get me wrong, some of it fit nicely, I actually enjoyed the wedding, though I feel as if there should have been some way for Hoyt to get back his memories, I mean, her blood, sex sphere should be someway for the vampire who gazed you to unglazed you, plus that would have brought more conflict to the show which would have been nice, because no way does everyone live happily ever after on True Blood, it's just not the way the show was meant to end, it's not what it was built up to do. 

Like Eric would ever actually leave Sookie alone, that goes so much against his character, at least when he is right freakin there, it just doesn't make sense to me.  The rest of his line though, what happens with Sara and Pam and the New Blood, that all makes sense to me, just not him with Sookie, that was left unfinished. And why is Jason's kids older than 4, she seems a bit older than Sams daughter, is that the fairy with the whole speedy growing thing, or is that just bad casting, and Sookie with some faceless man, no way, does not work, feels forced to me.  The whole thing just left a nasty flavor in my mouth I guess.  

There was one scene that I loved on the final episode though, Eric driving away with all the bodies, bopping to the music, that was a perfect scene, it worked for his character and it worked with the usual tone of the show, I will say that is probably my fave scene of the season and within the top five for the entire series.  I just wished they had been able to close the whole thing with the sense that scene captured rather than the 'disney' feeling they ended up leaving us with.

Well I guess that is it for my vent, until the next time something crawls under my skin and refuses to leave without being acknowledged in a semi public forum!!! =0)

Friday, July 11, 2014

What's up...

So it has been quite a while since I posted here, almost a year, and it has been a busy year...

I have been depressed most of the last year, it comes and goes, and I wish it would stay away, but it is what it is I guess.  The boys are both heading to school in August, which is awesome and sad at the same time.  It does mean though that now get to do stuff for me, whether that is school again or a job I do not know, I have been looking at both and nothing really appeals to me.  I do not want to work a job I hate because I do not have to, so I am choosing to be picky and wait for something that really grabs my interest, the only issue is that I am not yet sure what that is going to be. This far the only job that really sounds like something I would enjoy is in LA, and I do not want to be away from my family. So it is out, I am really afraid that I am not going to be able to find something here, and that I will be stuck doing nothing, well, I volunteer, a lot, but I just feel like something is missing, I wish I could figure out what that something is...

So I got to head to San Francisco this year in January for my anniversary and it was amazing, I fell in love with the city, the atmosphere and the people, it was fantastic, plus it is right on the ocean, which is have just connected to, I feel so whole when I am there, and so empty when I am away, and since I live in the middle of a freakin desert, empty is something I am sadly getting used to.  I never expected to connect to the sea in such a way, yet I have and it is sometimes painfully unbearable to be away from it...

August is taking me to Maine for my moms high school graduation and to see the part of the family that I have not seen in 20+ years for most of them.  I am both excited, the ocean, squeee!!!  And also nervous, I am very me, I do not bend well, not for anyone, nor to I have any intention of doing so, so I worry that there will be a lot of clashing going on, but I do not want to upset my mom, so I suspect that it is going to be a pretty quiet trip for me, I will try very hard to keep my thoughts to myself, and honestly if they do not like me, which I suspect most won't, that is their issue and not mine...

Well I think that is it for now, I will try to write more often, I know I say that a lot, but maybe this time I will manage it! =0)